Part 15 (2/2)

Scent Of Roses Kat Martin 57860K 2022-07-22

”Maybe you're right. As much as I'm attracted to you, I'm not looking for a long-term relations.h.i.+p. I'm a loner. I always have been. I like my life the way it is.”

”No strings. No involvement.”

”Yeah, that's about it.” But there was something in his eyes something that said maybe he wasn't so sure.

It didn't matter. She knew the risk he posed and after Brian, she didn't have that kind of courage.

Zach refilled his coffee cup, took a slow sip as he studied her over the rim. ”Even if you're right, we've still got the weekend. I don't see why we can't enjoy ourselves until it's over.”

Elizabeth shook her head. ”Better to end things cleanly. Besides, I've got plans for tonight.”

He took another sip of coffee and she saw that his eyes had darkened. ”That so?”


”Tell me you don't have a date with my brother.”

She laughed. She couldn't help it. ”Of course not. I'm spending the night at Maria's.”

”Miguel's going out of town again?”

She nodded. ”Maria's staying with one of the other overseers' wives. I figured with them away, I'd have a chance to really see what's going on.”

Zach frowned. Setting his cup down on the counter, he strode toward her. ”You aren't saying you plan to spend the night there by yourself?”

”I think it's a good idea. I'll be able to do a little investigating, maybe figure things out.”

”What if what's going on in that house is some kind of sick joke? What if there's someone behind it, someone who doesn't care who gets hurt?”

”I've got a gun. A thirty-eight revolver. I'm going to take it with me.”

”Yeah? Well, what if there really is a ghost? You can't kill a ghost with a gun.”

”That's ridiculous.”

”Maybe it is, maybe not. Lately, I've been doing a lot of research on the subject. According to the stuff I've read, there are things called malevolent spirits. They can do some pretty bad stuff, and you sure as h.e.l.l can't stop them with a gun.”

”I don't believe in ghosts.”

”Neither do I, but that doesn't change the fact you might be putting yourself in danger.”

”I'm going Zach. That's all there is to it.”

”Fine, then I'm going with you.”

She took an unconscious step backward. ”No way.”

Zach gave her a ruthless half smile. ”Either I go with you or I call my brother and tell him what you're up to. What's it going to be?”

”Blackmail's illegal, Zach. I thought you'd become a law-abiding citizen.”

”Sometimes you have to make your own laws. If you're going, I'm going, Liz. You might as well accept it.”

A sound of frustration slipped out. She didn't want him to go. He posed too big a temptation. But he was determined, and perhaps she was a little relieved. ”You're as big a bully now as you were twelve years ago.”

Zach had the nerve to grin. ”I guess in some ways I am.”

Elizabeth gave a sigh of resignation. ”All right, you can come. But I expect you to behave yourself.”

”No seduction, you mean.” He nodded, not the least surprised to have gotten his way. ”I can handle it if you can. What time are you going over there?”

She flushed at the comment, since she was the one who had seduced him last night. ”I figured about nine o'clock. I don't think anything's ever happened before dark.”

”Fine. I'll meet you there at nine. In the meantime, I've got a room at the Holiday Inn. Believe it or not, I didn't plan to make love to you last night. If you need to get hold of me before that, I'll be out at Teen Vision working on the barn. I'll see you tonight.”

Zach finished dressing and left the apartment, and Elizabeth wandered into the living room to watch him drive away. She was determined not to get involved with him. She just wished she wasn't so glad she would be seeing him again that night.

Elizabeth picked up the key to Maria's house that afternoon.

”I'll be back about nine,” Elizabeth told her. ”Zachary Harcourt will be staying here with me so you don't have to worry.”

Maria looked relieved. ”That is good. The bed is freshly made so you will have a clean place to sleep and Mr. Zach can sleep on the sofa. I hope the ghost comes. Then you will know I am telling the truth.”

”I guess we'll see.”

With the key to the house in her purse, Elizabeth returned to her apartment. She worked out for a while in her exercise room, stretching the sore muscles from having s.e.x with Zach the night before.

Her cheeks warmed at the memory of his hot kisses and intimate caresses. No question, Zach Harcourt knew how to make love. Which was exactly the reason she wanted no more part of him. He was too d.a.m.ned s.e.xy, too d.a.m.ned good a lover. A man like Zach could make a woman fall head over heels and she couldn't afford for that to happen.

She did a couple more sit-ups, twisting to touch her knees with her elbows, then spent some time on the treadmill. She was glad Zach had been honest. He didn't want a permanent relations.h.i.+p anymore than she did. Better they part now, before someonenamely hergot hurt.

Determined to stop thinking about him, she showered and dressed in a pair of jeans and a pale blue cotton blouse, then went in and made herself supper: fish sticks and salad. A cup of fat-free chocolate pudding served as dessert. A quick glance at the clock and she picked up her purse and headed for the carport behind her apartment.

It was still hot outside, even this time of evening, but at least the sun was going down, the intense, burning rays fading into a steady dry heat.

Zach's car wasn't at the Santiago house when she turned off the highway a little bit early and pulled up next to the single car garage. Making her way up the front walk, she used the key to let herself in, then went over and turned on the little TV in the living room, just to have some noise in the house.

She'd also brought a paperback novel to read, doubting the ”ghost” would appear as long as the television was on. Once Zach arrived, she'd turn it off so the house would be quiet.

He arrived right on time, nine o'clock straight up, and came in carrying a couple of plastic bags full of groceries.

”I thought we might get hungry,” he said, pulling a bag of chips and a couple of cans of Diet out of the bag and setting them down on the coffee table. A sack of trail mix and a couple of candy bars came out next. ”I'm not big on junk food. This is just in case of emergency.”

He looked at her and smiled, and she saw that once again his gaze was carefully guarded. He wanted her still. A little frisson of heat ran through her, but she quickly tamped it down. She was there on a mission and she meant to see it done.
