Part 10 (1/2)

Scent Of Roses Kat Martin 59220K 2022-07-22

She glanced in that direction, but the youth farm was too far away to see. ”Maria called to tell me he was coming. I was afraid if he left he'd get caught.”

”Sam's closing his eyes to this for the moment. But I've got to get Raul back before Sam's patience wears out. Let's go see if he's in there.”

Elizabeth didn't move. ”There's no need for you to trouble yourself. If he's there, I can bring him out to the farm.”

”Sorry. This is my problem as much as yours. Let's go.”

He didn't give her time to argue, just started up the steps of the little front porch and she fell in beside him. She wanted him to leave, to tell him he didn't need to interrupt his evening with Lisa, but like it or not, he had a point. Raul was missing from Teen Vision and that made it Zach's problem as well as her own.

He firmly rapped on the door and a few seconds later, Maria pulled it open. Her eyes widened when she saw a man she didn't know standing next to Elizabeth.

”It's all right,” Elizabeth said. ”This is Zachary Harcourt. He's come to take Raul back to the farm.”

Maria looked around, uncertain if she should admit her brother was inside.

”Raul isn't in trouble,” Zach told her. ”Not yet. That's why I'm hereto make sure he gets back before he is.”

Maria opened the door and stepped out of their way. ”He is here.”

Zach waited for Elizabeth to go in ahead of him and as soon as she walked into the living room, she spotted Raul on the sofa. He shot to his feet the moment he saw them, and Elizabeth recognized the belligerent look on his face. She had seen it before and seeing it now did not bode well for Raul.

”My sister is frightened. I am not leaving her alone in this house.”

Zach spoke before she had the chance. ”If you don't go back with me tonight, Raul, they'll return you to juvenile detention. You can't protect your sister while you're locked up in there.”

The boy's black eyes darted from Zach to Elizabeth and she could read the turmoil there. ”I have to stay. She is my sister and she is afraid.”

”You cannot stay!” Maria practically shouted. ”This is the chance you have been waiting for. You must go back before it is too late!”

Raul just shook his head.

Elizabeth glanced between the two siblings, focused her attention on the brother. ”It's all right, Raul. I'll stay with Maria.” As the words spilled out, it occurred to her that perhaps it was a good idea. When nothing happened in the house tonight, maybe the girl would concede the possibility that her ghost might not exist and return to her sessions with Dr. James. ”If it's all right with Maria.”

”You do not need to stay,” Maria said. ”I am fine here by myself.”

”Your brother is afraid you'll be frightened. If I'm here, you won't be.”

Maria swallowed, glanced nervously toward the open bedroom door. ”I called my friend, Isabel, but she was expecting company tonight. I shouldn't have told Raul.”

”It isn't a problem for me to stay, Maria. Really.”

Raul stared at her and all his bravado deflated like a pinp.r.i.c.ked balloon. ”You would stay?”

”I think it's a good idea, don't you?” She managed a smile. ”Maybe I'll see Maria's ghost.”

Maria looked up at her and hope sparked in her jet-black eyes. ”Si, maybe you will see her. Then you will not think I am crazy.”

”I don't think you're crazy and neither does Dr. James.” She caught herself before she launched into another fruitless discussion about anxiety. ”But if I happen to see your ghost, of course it would make a difference.”

Maria turned to Zach. ”Do you believe in ghosts?”

The edge of his mouth faintly curved. ”I suppose I would if I saw one.”

Very diplomatic, Elizabeth thought with a trace of humor. Maybe he really did have the finesse it took to make a good lawyer.

”Maybe Ms. Conners will see one tonight,” Maria said.

His mouth curved even more. Such a s.e.xy mouth. Something warm and completely unwanted slid into the pit of her stomach.

”Perhaps she will.” Zach looked over at Raul. ”I think it's time for us to go.”

The boy hung his head and nodded.

”Go get in the car. I'll be right there.”

”I am sorry for the trouble I caused.”

”It's all right. You were trying to take care of your family. I can understand that. We just need to work things out so that you won't have to do it again.” Raul headed for the door, and Zach cast a meaningful glance at Elizabeth. ”Can I speak to you for a moment?”

She would rather he just left, but he had work to do just as she did. By the time she joined him on the porch, Raul was sitting in the pa.s.senger side of the Jeep. Zach reached over and closed the front door behind her. His arm brushed hers, and a little tremor of awareness went through her.

”You need to get Maria to tell her husband what's going on. Once he understands what's happening, they can work it out so she's not alone.”

”I've tried. She won't do it. He's not exactly the understanding type, if you know what I mean. He's ten years older, one of those macho types. Maria doesn't think he'll believe her and it'll only make him mad at her.”

”Then you're going to have to do it. It isn't fair to Raul to carry this burden by himself. At any rate, I don't know what other choice you haveaside from staying over every time her husband goes out of town.”

”Fortunately, that doesn't happen very often. But you're right. He ought to be told.” She turned, trying to think of a way to approach Miguel, and felt Zach's hand on her arm, turning her to face him.

”About this afternoon I was wrong. I should have been more honest. I apologize for what happened.”

Her mouth tightened. She drew her arm away, trying to ignore the heat of his fingers that remained. ”Doesn't matter. Like you said, it was only lunch.”

”Yeah, only lunch.”

She started to turn away, but Zach's deep voice stopped her.

”It's over with Lisa. I'm not going to see her anymore.”

”Why not?”

”Let's just say she's not my type.”

She took hold of the doork.n.o.b.

”I just wanted you to know,” Zach said.

Elizabeth turned the k.n.o.b and pushed open the door. ”Well, now I know.” She walked inside and closed the door.