Part 46 (1/2)
FISHPOLE.--_Item_. Another garment, paned with } yellow, green, red, and blue } sarcenet, and lined with old } red buckram. } 8 yds. 22s.
_Item_. Another garment, for a priest } to play in, of red say. } 12 yds. 4s.
_Item._ A garment of red and green } say paned and guarded with } 12 yds. say, gold skins lined with red } and 7 yds.
buckram. } buckram 8s.
_Item._ A short garment of gold skins } and fustian, of Naples black, } and sleeved with red, green, } yellow, and blue sarcenet }
_Item_. Another garment, spangled of } blue satin of Bruges, and } 20s. it hath lined with green sarcenet } cost Rastell.
_Item_. Two old short garments, paned } of satin of Bruges, and of } sarcenet of divers colours in } the bodies } 20s.
_Item_. A woman's garment, of green } and blue sarcenet, checked and } lined with red buckram } 24s.
_Item_. Two caps, of yellow and red } sarcenet } 3s. 4d.
_Item_. Two curtains, of green and } yellow sarcenet } 20 yds. 1s.
_Item_. Two pieces of blue linen cloth } with lyre in them } 67 yds.15s.
_Item_. Three pieces of old silvered } linen cloths } 10s.
_Item_. An old remnant of red buckram, } that was in a box in my Lord } 30 yds.
Cardinal's great chamber } 6s. 8d.
_Interrogatories for Fishpole._
_Im primis_.--Whether Fishpole know any of the said garments.
_Item_. Whether Fishpole made the two long garments of sarcenet down to the ground, and one green gown to the fall of the leg, with wide sleeves of sarcenet, and whether every of them contained not 7 or 8 yards of sarcenet, and whether every of them were not better than 20s. apiece, and whether if such garments were made of new stuff, would not have cost almost twice as much money.
_Item_. Whether that Fishpole made not a woman's gown of sarcenet of small pieces, and whether it was not worth 20s. and better.
_Item._ Whether he made not two other garments with wide sleeves of small pieces, and whether they were not worth 20s. or a mark apiece.
_Item._ How long Fishpole was a-making of them, and whether he had not the while 4d. a day and meat and drink, and whether Rastell's wife hath holp him to sew them.
_Item._ Whether Walton hath not the same garments lent to him by Rastell, and whether Walton hath not continually this 4 year let them to hire for stage-plays and interludes, above 3 or 4 score times, and what he used to have for a stage-play, and what for an interlude, and how much money he hath won thereby.
_Item._ What the short spangled garment of blue satin of Bruges was worth, and what every other garment and piece was worth.
_Interrogatory ex parte_ RASTELL.
_Item._ Whether about 3 or 4 years now past, about which time the King's great banquet was at Greenwich, which this deponent saw, the said garments were occupied there, some in divers stage-plays and interludes, by the letting to hire by Walton, as it was reported, and at that time they were fresh and new, and seemed little the worse for any wearing of them before.