Part 42 (1/2)
GOODS. What! weenest thou that I am thine?
EVERYMAN. I had weened so.
GOODS. Nay, Everyman, I say no!
As for a while I was lent thee, A season thou hast had me in prosperity.
My conditions is man's soul to kill; If I save one, a thousand I do spill.
Weenest thou that I will follow thee From this world? nay, verily!
EVERYMAN. I had weened otherwise.
GOODS. Therefore to thy soul Good is a thief; For when thou art dead, this is my guise-- Another to deceive, in the same wise As I have done thee, and all to his soul's reprief.
EVERYMAN. Oh false Good, cursed thou be!
Thou traitor to G.o.d, thou hast deceived me And caught me in thy snare!
GOODS. Marry! thou brought thyself in care, Whereof I am glad; I must needs laugh, I cannot be sad.
EVERYMAN. Ah, Good, thou hast had my heartly love!
I gave thee that which should be the Lord's above.
But wilt thou not go with me indeed?
I pray thee truth to say.
GOODS. No, so G.o.d me speed!
Therefore farewell, and have good day!
EVERYMAN. Oh, to whom shall I make my moan, For to go with me in that heavy journey?
First Fellows.h.i.+p, he said he would with me go-- His wordes were very pleasant and gay-- But afterward he left me alone; Then spake I to my kinsmen, all in despair, And also they gave me wordes fair-- They lacked no fair speaking-- But all forsake me in the ending.
Then went I to my Goods, that I loved best, In hope to have comfort, but there had I least, For my Goods sharply did me tell That he bringeth many in h.e.l.l.
Then of myself I was ashamed, And so I am worthy to be blamed: Thus may I well myself hate.
Of whom shall I now counsel take?
I think that I shall never speed Till that I go to my Good Deed, But alas! she is so weak That she can neither go nor speak, Yet will I venture on her now: My Good Deeds, where be you?
GOOD DEEDS. Here I lie, cold in the ground; Thy sins have me so sore bound That I cannot stir.
EVERYMAN. Oh, Good Deeds, I stand in fear!
I must you pray of counsel, For help now should come right well.
GOOD DEEDS. Everyman, I have understanding That thou art summoned account to make Before Messias, of Jerusalem King; And you do by me, that journey with you will I take.
EVERYMAN. Therefore I come to you, my moan to make; I pray thee to go with me.
GOOD DEEDS. I would full fain, but I cannot stand, verily!
EVERYMAN. Why? is there anything on you fall?
GOOD DEEDS. Yea, sir; I may thank you of all.
If ye had perfectly cheered me, Your book of account full ready now had be.
Look! the books of your workes and deedes eke, Behold how they lie under the feet, To your soules heaviness!
EVERYMAN. Our Lord Jesus helpe me!