Part 34 (1/2)
MARY. Truly, husband, I am here Our Lord's will for to abide.
JOSEPH. What! I trow that we be all shent!
Say, woman; who hath been here sith I went, To rage with thee?
MARY. Sir, here was neither man nor man's even, But only the sond of our Lord G.o.d in heaven.
JOSEPH. Say not so, woman; for shame, let be!
Ye be with child so wonders great, Ye need no more thereof to treat, Against all right.
Forsooth, this child, dame, is not mine.
Alas, that ever with mine eyne I should see this sight!
Tell me, woman; whose is this child?
MARY. None but yours, husband so mild, And that shall be seen, [i-wis].
JOSEPH. But mine? alas! alas! why say ye so?
Well-away! woman, now may I go, Beguiled, as many another is.
MARY. Nay, truly, sir, ye be not beguiled, Nor yet with spot of sin I am not defiled; Trust it well, husband.
JOSEPH. Husband, in faith! and that a-cold!
Ah! well-away, Joseph, as thou art old!
Like a fool now may I stand And truss.
But, in faith, Mary, thou art in sin; So much as I have cherished thee, dame, and all thy kin, Behind my back to serve me thus!
All old men, example take by me,-- How I am beguiled here may you see!-- To wed so young a child.
Now farewell, Mary, I leave thee here alone,-- [Woe] worth thee, dame, and thy works each one!-- For I will no more be beguiled For friend nor foe.
Now of this deed I am so dull, And of my life I am so full, No further may I go.
[_Lies down to sleep; to him enters an Angel._]
FIRST ANGEL. Arise up, Joseph, and go home again Unto Mary, thy wife, that is so free.
To comfort her look that thou be fain, For, Joseph, a clean maiden is she: She hath conceived without any train The Second Person in Trinity; Jesu shall be his name, certain, And all this world save shall He; Be not aghast.
JOSEPH. Now, Lord, I thank thee with heart full sad, For of these tidings I am so glad That all my care away is cast; Wherefore to Mary I will in haste.
[_Returns to_ MARY.]
Ah! Mary, Mary, I kneel full low; Forgive me, sweet wife, here in this land!
Mercy, Mary! for now I know Of your good governance and how it doth stand.
Though that I did thee mis-name, Mercy Mary! while I live, Will I never sweet wife thee grieve In earnest nor in game.
MARY. Now, that Lord in Heaven, sir, He you forgive!
And I do forgive you in His name For evermore.
JOSEPH. Now truly, sweet wife, to you I say the same.
But now to Bethlehem must I wind, And show myself, so full of care; And I to leave you, thus great, behind,-- G.o.d wot, the while, dame, how you should fare.
MARY. Nay, hardily, husband, dread ye nothing; For I will walk with you on the way.
I trust in G.o.d, Almighty King, To speed right well in our journey.
JOSEPH. Now, I thank you, Mary, of your goodness, That ye my words will not blame; And sith that to Bethlehem we shall us dress, Go we together in G.o.d's holy name.
[_They set out and travel awhile._]
Now to Bethlehem have we leagues three; The day is nigh spent, it draweth toward night; Fain at your ease, dame, I would that ye should be, For you groan all wearily, it seemeth in my sight.