Part 15 (1/2)
The sixth branch by and by, It is the five joys of mild Mary!
Now Christ save all this company, _And send us good life and long!_
_Make me merry both more and less, For now is the time of Christymas!_
Let no man come into this hall, Groom, page, nor yet marshall, But that some sport he bring withal!
_For now is the time of Christmas!_
If that he say, he can not sing, Some other sport then let him bring!
That it may please at this feasting!
_For now is the time of Christmas!_
If he say he can naught do, Then for my love ask him no mo!
But to the stocks then let him go!
_For now is the time of Christmas!_
_Can I not sing but Hoy!
The jolly shepherd made so much joy!_
The shepherd upon a hill he sat, He had on him his tabard and his hat, His tarbox, his pipe, and his flagat, His name was called Jolly, Jolly Wat!
For he was a good herds-boy, Ut hoy!
For in his pipe he made so much joy.
_Can I not sing but hoy._
The shepherd upon a hill was laid, His dog to his girdle was tayd, He had not slept but a little braid But ”gloria in excelsis” was to him said Ut hoy!
For in his pipe he made so much joy!
_Can I not sing, etc._
The shepherd on a hill he stood, Round about him his sheep they yode, He put his hand under his hood, He saw a star as red as blood.
Ut hoy!
For in his pipe he made so much joy.
_Can I not sing, etc._
Now farewell Mall, and also Will, For my love go ye all still, Unto I come again you till, And ever more will ring well thy bell.
Ut hoy!
For in his pipe he made so much joy!
_Can I not sing, etc._
Now must I go there Christ was born, Farewell! I come again to-morn, Dog, keep well my sheep fro the corn!
And warn well Warroke when I blow my horn!
Ut hoy!
For in his pipe he made so much joy!
_Can I not sing, etc._
When Wat to Bethlehem come was, He sweat, he had gone faster than a pace, He found Jesus in a simple place, Between an ox and an a.s.s.
Ut hoy!
For in [his] pipe he made so much joy!