Part 7 (1/2)

The best way in which to forefend against evil is to deny it and cast out the fiction.

This entire question of evil is at your command. Evil exists because other people admit its existence. If all were to live the WHITE LIFE, each person might rightly declare, ”There is no evil.”

The only real evil is that which can hurt your best self. When anything hurts your best self, it is your self that hurts your self. The only evil in the Universe is some one's act hurting others, but more, hurting self. If to you evil is, then, it is yourself. You can so live the sublime WHITE LIFE of harmony as to be able to say: ”So far as I am concerned, evil has gone out of the world. There is no evil to me.”

You see, surely now, that you need not fear ”evil.” I do not know anything more absolutely and sufficiently opposed to the permission of that self-acting which alone, for you, is evil, than reason. Fear has nothing properly to do with the matter. And reason-a.s.surance has to do with it only by living the WHITE LIFE and denying fear and evil altogether.

You are invited to make these heaven-born truths your own.



CHAPTER I. The World's New Dawn CHAPTER II. Fear and Reason CHAPTER III. Physical Tone CHAPTER IV. Dual Health-Tone of the Self CHAPTER V. Fear of Self CHAPTER VI. Fear for Others CHAPTER VII. Fear of Things CHAPTER VIII. The Fears of Timidity CHAPTER IX. Some People We Fear CHAPTER X. Some of Life's Relations CHAPTER XI. The Fearful Crowd.

CHAPTER XII. Fear of Events-Old Age CHAPTER XIII. Courage for Future Events CHAPTER XIV. A Perpetual Tonic


”The New Dawn”

”Fear-Thought and Fear-Feeling”

”The Soul of the Cell”

”A Regime”

”Fear Not Thyself ”Fear Not For Others”

”Fear Not Dumb Things”

”The Ma.s.sing of a Hundred Faces”

”Fear Not Thy Fellows”

”Life's Relations”

”The Raw Material”

”Youth is Courage”

”Fear Not Events”

”The Rock of Courage”

The Call of Life.

Now must the man be summoned forth To discover himself, his dual reality: His world, ten thousand fathoms deep, His star-vault, ten thousand s.p.a.ces high; And come to his own like a king.