Part 1 (1/2)
The Deadly Curse of Toco-Rey.
The Cooper Kids Adventure Series.
Frank Peretti.
Lila and Jay Cooper have joined their dad on a mission to the jungles of Central America, where a group of American treasure hunters have already become the victims of the deadly curse of Toco-Rey. Before Dr. Cooper can solve the mystery, his children are kidnapped and his integrity is put to the test. What price will he pay to get his children back? Is the treasure in the burial tomb of Kachi-Tochetin really worth more than gold?.
Follow the Coopers as they explore unknown ruins, plunge through dangerous jungles, face hostile natives, and battle ancient evil forces. Will their courage and faith in G.o.d bring them through?.
Summary: While on a quest to save a piece of history, Jay, Lila, and their father encounter hostile natives and ancient evil forces in the jungles of Central America.
Chico Valles, machete in hand, hacked his way along the narrow trail, oblivious to the constant chatter of cicadas and the raucous screams of tropical birds. Sweat trickled down his stubbled face. The thick, encroaching jungle pressed in on him from every direction. It reached with limbs, slapped with leaves, grabbed with vine tendrils. He forced it back with his machete and pressed on as he did every day, running errands for Basehart the American.
Finally he reached the clearing where the Corys had set up their camp. He stopped.
The camp looked deserted. The large tent sagged a bit as if a pole had broken. Cookware, clothing, and food were strewn about under the blue tarpaulin lean-to. The wooden camp chairs and portable table were overturned by the fire pit. A portable camp stove lay on its side, bent and broken, and orchids now lay scattered on the ground, spilled from a vase. Except for the noises of the jungle, Chico heard no sound. Except for the slow crawl of an iguana on a limb overhead, he saw no movement.
Chico tightened his grip on the machete.
”Kachakas,” he muttered, his eyes darting about. Then he called, ”h.e.l.lo! Seor Cory!”
No answer.
Steeling his nerves, Chico took a few cautious steps forward, emerging from the jungle with the machete outstretched. He watched every direction for hidden dangers, lurking enemies. He could detect no sign of another human being-at least none still alive.
Then he heard a low, garbled hissing from the tent. A snake? He instinctively drew the machete back, ready to strike. Then he inched forward, trying to get a view through the tent's open flap.
The inside of the tent appeared to have been raided by wild animals. Blankets, sleeping bags, books, charts, and tools were scattered everywhere. The tent fabric had been torn, and one of the support poles was indeed broken.
”Seor Cory!”
Again, no answer. Chico walked closer and stuck his head into the tent.
He found the source of that strange hissing sound. A handheld two-way radio lay on the floor, the case broken and splintered, its dial still glowing. Had someone tried to call for help? Where were they now?
Chico ducked into the shadowy interior, his feet shuffling through scattered clothing and trodden papers.
His eyes caught a sparkling, golden glow in one corner, and he stared, spellbound. ”El tesoro,” he whispered. The treasure.
On a steel footlocker stood a tall, ornately engraved vase of gold, several golden cups, a gold jeweled necklace, and small, golden statues of ancient G.o.ds and warriors. They all glistened as if newly polished in the faint light that came through the doorway.
Chico took a furtive look outside, then reached down to grab the vase.
The glistening, golden surface felt slick and gooey.
And then it felt like fire. He yanked his hand away with a cry of pain and was horrified to find thin yellow slime on his palm and fingers. It began to penetrate his skin, bubbling and fizzing, burning like millions of red-hot needles.
He frantically wiped his hand on a blanket, then tried to find some water, anything to remove the slime. Searing pain flashed up his arm and he began to scream.
So great was his terror and agony that he didn't see the shadowy figure appear in the doorway, crouching like a lion. When it leaped upon him, the impact jarred him senseless.
The birds cried out, thundering from the treetops. The cicadas cut their song short. The iguana disappeared around the trunk of the big tree.
The tent came alive, lurching and bulging this way and that. Chico's screams mingled with the eerie, cougarlike snarls of his attacker.
At the Langley Memorial Art Museum in New York City, Dr. Jacob Cooper, hat in hand, strolled quietly through the Hall of Kings. Statues, busts, masks, and relief carvings of ancient kings glowered at him from their pedestals along both sides of the vast marble hall.
”Dr. Cooper?” A small man in a dark suit came close and looked up at him.
Jacob Cooper looked down with curiosity. ”Mr. Stern?”
The little man smiled. ”Mr. Wendell. I work for Mr. Stern. Please come with me.”
Dr. Cooper followed him to the end of the hall and through an unmarked door into a large workroom and archive. Shelves lined the walls from floor to ceiling, all loaded down with books, doc.u.ments, and historical artifacts. In the center of the room stood a large worktable where artifacts were restored and prepared for display.
A gray-haired, well-dressed man sat at the table. He rose when Jacob Cooper entered the room. ”Dr. Jacob Cooper?”
Dr. Cooper reached across the table and shook his hand. ”Mr. Stern?”
”Thank you for coming.” Mr. Stern looked at his a.s.sociate, who took his cue and left the room. Then Mr. Stern asked, ”You are alone?”
”Yes, and no one knows of our meeting, just as you requested.”
Mr. Stern smiled. ”I apologize for the secrecy, but your fame goes before you. And I have reason to believe certain interests would not be happy to see you involved in our little project. Please, have a seat.”
Dr. Cooper sat at the big table and Mr. Stern returned to his seat opposite. He rested his hand on an old leather carrying case. ”Dr. Cooper, the matters we are about to discuss are of a delicate nature. Human lives are at stake ... and I'm afraid some have already perished. Have you heard of the lost city of Toco-Rey?”
Jacob Cooper probed his memory. ”A legendary city full of treasure somewhere in Central America?”
Mr. Stern brightened, nodding his head. ”Toco-Rey is believed to have been built by the Oltecas, who thrived during the decline of the Mayan empire and vanished into history almost 600 years before Columbus.”
Dr. Cooper wrinkled his brow. ”I've heard a little about it from a treasure hunter who seemed rather obsessed with the place.”
”Ben Cory?”
Dr. Cooper smiled. ”So you've met him?”
Stern's face grew solemn as he announced, ”I'm afraid he is one who has died, Dr. Cooper.”
Jacob Cooper was saddened by the news but not entirely surprised. ”What happened?”