Part 29 (1/2)

I'd been avoiding seeing my parents since I got back. Easy enough to do considering I'd hung up on the lecture my father had attempted to give me the second day after my return. Relations had been frosty since then. The real surprise was that I wasn't surprised. They had never encouraged anything that didn't directly support the plan. There was a reason I'd never returned their calls when I was in Monterey. Because I couldn't tell them the things they wanted to hear anymore, it had seemed safer to stay mute.

Nathan had been running interference with the folks, which I appreciated, but my time was up. We'd all been summoned to dinner tomorrow night. I figured the text was my mother ensuring I wasn't going to try and wheedle out of it. Sometimes she sat up late watching old black and white movies when her sleeping pills didn't kick in.

I was wrong.

David: She surprised me when she kissed me. That's why I didn't stop her right away. But I didn't want it.

I stared at my cell, frowning.

David: You there?

Me: Yeah.

David: I need to know if you believe me about Martha.

Did I? I took a breath, searched deep. There was frustration, plenty of confusion, but my anger had apparently burned itself out at long last. Because I didn't doubt he'd told me the truth.

Me: I believe you.

David: Thank you. I keep thinking of more. Will you listen?

Me: Yes.

David: My folks got married because of Jimmy. Mom left when I was 12. She drank.

David: Jimmy's been paying her to keep quiet. She's been hustling him for years.

Me: Holy h.e.l.l!

David: Yeah. I got lawyers onto it now.

Me: Glad to hear it.

David: We retired Dad to Florida. I told him about you. He wants to meet.

Me: Really? I don't know what to say ...

David: Can I come up?

Me: You're here??

I didn't wait for a reply. Forget my pajama shorts and daggy old T-s.h.i.+rt, washed so many times its original color was a faded memory. He'd just have to take me as he found me. I unlocked the front door of our apartment and padded down the stairs on bare feet, my cell still in my hand. Sure enough, a tall shadow loomed through the frosted gla.s.s of the building's front door. I pushed it open to find him sitting on the step. Outside, the night was still, peaceful. A fancy silver SUV was pulled up at the curb.

”Hey,” he said, a finger busy on the screen of his cell. Mine beeped again.

David: Wanted to say goodnight.

”Okay,” I said, looking up from the screen. ”Come in.”

The side of his mouth lifted and he looked up at me. I met his gaze, refusing to feel self-conscious. He didn't seem put off by my slacker bedtime style. If anything, his smile increased, his eyes warming. ”You about to go to bed?”

”I was just reading. Couldn't sleep.”

”Is your brother here?” He stood and followed me back up the stairs, his boots tapping loudly on the old wooden floors. I half expected Mrs Lucia from downstairs to come out and yell. It was a hobby of hers.

”No,” I said, closing the door behind us. ”He and Lauren went out.”

He looked around the apartment with interest. As usual he took up all the s.p.a.ce. I don't know how he did that. It was like a magician's trick. He was somehow so much bigger than he actually seemed. And the man didn't seem small to begin with. In no rush at all, his gaze wandered around the room, taking in bright turquoise walls (Lauren's doing) and the shelves of neatly stacked books (my doing).

”Is this yours?” he asked, poking his head into my bedroom.

”Ah, yes. It's a bit of a mess right now, though.” I squeezed past him and started speed-cleaning, picking up the books and other a.s.sorted debris scattered across the floor. I should have asked him to give me five minutes before coming up. My mother would be horrified. Since returning from LA I'd let my world descend into chaos. It suited my frazzled state of mind. Didn't mean David needed to see it. I needed to make a plan to clean up my act and actually stick to it this time.

”I used to be organized,” I said, flailing, my fallback position for everything lately.

”It doesn't matter.”

”This won't take a minute.”

”Ev,” he said, catching hold of my wrist in much the same manner that his gaze caught me. ”I don't care. I just need to talk to you.”

A sudden horrible thought entered my mind.

”Are you leaving?” I asked, today's dirty work s.h.i.+rt clutched in my suddenly shaking hand.

His grip tightened around my wrist. ”You want me to leave?”

”No. I mean, are you leaving Portland? Is that why you're here, to say goodbye?”


”Oh.” The pincer grip my ribs had gotten on my heart and lungs eased back a little. ”Okay.”

”Where did that come from?” When I didn't answer he tugged me gently toward him. ”Hey.”

I took a reluctant step in his direction, dropping the dirty laundry. He pressed for more, sitting on my bed and pulling me down alongside him. I sort of stumbled my b.u.t.t onto the double mattress as opposed to doing it with any grace. Story of my life. Object achieved, he gave up his grip on me. My hands clenched the edge of the bed.

”So, you got a weird look on your face and then you asked me if I was leaving,” he said, blue eyes concerned. ”Care to explain?”

”You haven't turned up at midnight before. I guess I wondered if there was more to it than just dropping by.”

”I drove by your apartment and I saw your light was on. Figured I'd send you a text, see what mood you were in after our talk today.” He rubbed at his bearded chin with the palm of his hand. ”Plus, like I said, I keep thinking of stuff I need to tell you.”

”You drive by my apartment often?”

He gave me a wry smile. ”Only a couple of times. It's my way of saying goodnight to you.”

”How did you know which window was mine?”

”Ah, well, that time I talked to Lauren when I was first came to town? She had the light on in the other room. Figured this one must be yours.” He didn't look at me, choosing instead to check out the photos of me and my friends on the walls. ”You mad that I've been around?”