Part 12 (1/2)

[Footnote i-298: _Ibid._, IV, 229.]

[Footnote i-299: The ma.s.sacre led by the ”Paxton boys.”]

[Footnote i-300: _Writings_, IV, 314.]

[Footnote i-301: _Writings_, IV, 418.]

[Footnote i-302: _Ibid._, IV, 419. See Beer, _op. cit._, 294 f.]

[Footnote i-303: _A History of American Political Theories_, 46.]

[Footnote i-304: _Writings_, IV, 445-6.]

[Footnote i-305: To Joseph Galloway, May 20, 1767 (photostat of unpublished MS letter in W. S. Mason Collection; original in W. L.

Clements Library).]

[Footnote i-306: To Joseph Galloway, Aug. 20, 1768 (photostat of unpublished MS letter in W. S. Mason Collection; original in W. L.

Clements Library).]

[Footnote i-307: To Joseph Galloway, April 14, 1767 (photostat of unpublished MS letter in W. S. Mason Collection; original in W. L.

Clements Library). Cf. also letter to the same, Jan. 11, 1770, _ibid._]

[Footnote i-308: See, for example, _An Edict by the King of Prussia_ (1773)--for its effect see _Writings_, VI, 146--and _Rules by Which a Great Empire May Be Reduced to a Small One_ (1773). Crane, _op. cit._, concludes that Franklin appears as ”the chief agent of the American propaganda in England, especially between 1765 and 1770” (p. 26). For treatment of American propagandists see P. G. Davidson, ”Whig Propagandists of the American Revolution,” _American Historical Review_, x.x.xIX, 442-53 (April, 1934), and his _Revolutionary Propagandists in New England, New York and Pennsylvania, 1763-1776_ (unpublished dissertation, University of Chicago, 1929); summarized in _Abstracts of Theses_, Humanistic Series VII, 239-42; F. J. Hinkhouse, _The Preliminaries of the American Revolution as Seen in the English Press_ (New York, 1926).]

[Footnote i-309: _Writings_, V, 297.]

[Footnote i-310: See R. G. Adams, _Political Ideas of the American Revolution_, 35, 62-3.]

[Footnote i-311: Oct. 2, 1770 (_Writings_, V, 280). See also _Causes of the American Discontents before 1768_ (V, 78 f., 160-2). An aspect of his loyalty to the crown may be seen in his hatred of French desire to separate the colonies from England (V, 47, 231, 254, 323). The printing of the _Examination_ and other of Franklin's pieces in Europe b.u.t.tressed the predisposition of France to hate Great Britain (V, 231). The best comprehensive treatment of backgrounds is C. H. Van Tyne's _The Causes of the War of Independence_.]

[Footnote i-312: _Pennsylvania Magazine of History and Biography_, XXV, 311 (1901). See also _ibid._, 307-22, and XXVI, 81-90, 255-64 (1902).

See _Writings_, VI, 144.]

[Footnote i-313: _Writings_, VI, 173.]

[Footnote i-314: _Ibid._, VI, 319. His unpublished letters of 1775 in the Original Correspondence of Benjamin Franklin with the Bishop of St.

Asaph (in the W. S. Mason Collection) emphasize his progressive apathy toward a reconciliation. Especially see letters of May 15 and July 7.]

[Footnote i-315: _Ibid._, VI, 460.]

[Footnote i-316: Cited in Davidson, _op. cit._, 442.]

[Footnote i-317: Hugh Williamson claimed that he actually gave Franklin the letters. Apparently another person went to the office where the letters were archived and posing as an authorized person secured the desired correspondence (D. Hosack, _Biographical Memoir of Hugh Williamson_, New York, 1820, 37 ff.).]

[Footnote i-318: For an interesting account of this episode see Parton, _op. cit._, 1, chap. IX.]

[Footnote i-319: _Writings_, V, 134. Franklin and Burke were friendly; see their correspondence. The best exposition of Burke's doctrines is that by John MacCunn, _The Political Philosophy of Edmund Burke_ (London, 1913).]

[Footnote i-320: _Ibid._, V, 439; see also 527.]

[Footnote i-321: London, April 20, 1771; unpublished MS letter in W. S.