Part 9 (1/2)

x.x.xVIII, 349-69 (Oct., 1928).]

[Footnote i-170: _Writings_, II, 175.]

[Footnote i-171: See W. P. and J. P. Cutler, _Life, Journals and Correspondence of Rev. Mana.s.seh Cutler_, I, 269, letter of July 13, 1787; also G. S. Eddy, _op. cit._]

[Footnote i-172: See Thomas, _loc. cit._]

[Footnote i-173: A notable exception was the type of ”letter to the editor” which Franklin used as a means of suggesting reforms, such as those affecting the city watch, the fire companies, and the cleaning and lighting of the streets. See J. B. McMaster, _Benjamin Franklin as a Man of Letters_, 82-5.]

[Footnote i-174: A correspondent of Franklin's paper commended Zenger's stand (see _Pennsylvania Gazette_, May 11-18, 1738; reprinted in W. G.

Bleyer, _Main Currents in the History of American Journalism_, 66-7), but Franklin shrewdly kept his own paper free of factional politics. See Livingston Rutherford, _John Peter Zenger_ (New York, 1904).]

[Footnote i-175: See Clarence S. Brigham, ”American Newspapers to 1820,”

_Proceedings of the American Antiquarian Society_, N. S. x.x.xII, 157-9 (April, 1922), for detailed bibliography of the _Gazette_.]

[Footnote i-176: A. H. Smyth, _Philadelphia Magazines and Their Contributors_, 200.]

[Footnote i-177: _Writings_, I, 360.]

[Footnote i-178: For a list of the printers with whom Franklin had such connections, see M. R. King, ”One Link in the First Newspaper Chain, the _South Carolina Gazette,” Journalism Quarterly_, IX, 257 (Sept., 1932).]

[Footnote i-179: For sketches of both magazines, see L. N. Richardson, _A History of Early American Magazines_, 17-35, and F. L. Mott, _A History of American Magazines_, 1741-1850, 71-7. See also Philip Biddison, ”The Magazine Franklin Failed to Remember,” _American Literature_, IV, 177 (June, 1932); the writer thinks certain accusations in the Bradford-Franklin controversy over the magazines discreditable to Franklin, so that the latter's lapse of memory saved him ”embarra.s.sment.”]

[Footnote i-180: See letter to John Wright, Nov. 4, 1789 (_Writings_, X, 60-3). For European backgrounds of Franklin's economic views see Gide and Rist, in Bibliography. On American backgrounds the standard work is E. A. J. Johnson's _American Economic Thought in the Seventeenth Century_ (London, 1932), which shows the intimate relation between economic and religious theories.]

[Footnote i-181: Lewis J. Carey, _Franklin's Economic Views_ (Garden City, N. Y., 1928), 72.]

[Footnote i-182: Cited in Carey, 73. He had used in this article facts lent by Benezet concerning the ”detestable commerce” motivated in part by English ”laws for promoting the Guinea trade” (_Writings_, V, 431-2).]

[Footnote i-183: _Writings_, IX, 627.]

[Footnote i-184: In 1779 he professed mortification that the King of France gave ”freedom to Slaves, while a king of England is endeavouring to make Slaves of Freemen” (_ibid._, VII, 402).]

[Footnote i-185: _Ibid._, IX, 404. See also _ibid._, 6.]

[Footnote i-186: Suggestive notes on this point may be found in N.

Foerster's article in the _American Review_, IV, 129-46 (Dec., 1934).]

[Footnote i-187: _Writings_, VI, 102. See also VI, 39-40.]

[Footnote i-188: _Ibid._, III, 66.]

[Footnote i-189: _Ibid._, III, 66-7.]

[Footnote i-190: _Ibid._, III, 68.]

[Footnote i-191: Carey, _op. cit._, 69.]

[Footnote i-192: _Writings_, III, 65.]