Chapter 2838 (1/1)

Mu Fengming was stunned, but at this time, he found that he did not know when a green world had become around him, and the tree people who made the fox bloom were even bigger than before. His blood red eyes made other saints unable to help but retreat.

”What's going on?” Mu Fengming is a little unbelievable. He feels that the surrounding is full of wood attribute strength, which makes fox Fanghua's combat effectiveness in this environment multiply.

”It's just a little trick. You can watch it with peace of mind. After all, if you attack so many tree people at the same time, other people will not survive.” Xiao Chen light way.

”Are you threatening me?” Mu Fengming's face sank. He really couldn't understand what Xiao Chen and Linghu Fanghua had said. He could let Linghu Fanghua not hesitate to fight against him. What's more, he was even threatened.

”You can take it as a threat. After all, if you don't threaten you, I'm afraid you will do something stupid. If you do something stupid, you can't see it with your seven sacred strength.”

”Can you see through my accomplishments?” Mu Fengming was a little surprised.

”Don't you say that I'm a demon master who snatched and reborn, and how can I not see through your accomplishments?” Xiao Chen light way, voice in some disdain.

On hearing the speech, Mu Fengming's face coagulated. At this time, Mu Longtian was surrounded by Mu Qingcheng. None of the ten disciples left their hands. One foot after another, Mu Fengming saluted Mu Longtian. Mu Longtian's humiliation screamed instantly.

”In other words, I once said to meet Mu Longtian once and beat him once. Since I have said that, I should honor it.” Xiao Chen suddenly light way, and then a little under the foot, people have disappeared, and then, like football, murongtian was kicked back and forth by Xiao Chen and others.

Mu Fengming saw this, just want to rescue, Linghu Fanghua has cast cold eyes, let him suddenly stop.

”Longtian, Longtian, the adoptive father is sorry for you. The adoptive father can't save you.” Mu Fengming sighed. As for the other saints, they dare not fight. They can only watch in silence. Recently, the young talents who have risen in the holy world league are regarded as football, playing back and forth.

And this sad cry, full lasted half an hour, half an hour later, Mu Longtian was no longer in shape.

”But what else do you want to beat?” Xiao Chen asked.

”Yes.” Ten disciples, Qi Shengdao.

”Then lead the way. Even the leader of the alliance of the holy world can help you beat it.” Xiao Chen light way.

”The master is mighty!” The ten disciples are excited, but mu Fengming is a little silly. They can even beat the leader of the alliance of the holy world. They are joking.

But now Linghu Fanghua has no doubt about Xiao Chen. They can only follow Xiao Chen to the alliance of the holy world. After a short time, a group of demons stopped them, and the black tiger demon general was the leader!

”This is not a male and a female evil spirit. I didn't expect that you had not left yet. This time it was not in vain.” Black tiger demon will light said, eyes full of drama abuse.

”It turns out to be the black tiger demon general, the black dragon demon general, the black snake demon general, and the three demons will gather together, which is really rare!” Mu Fengming took a look at the black tiger demon general and the two big men behind him. There was something dignified in his eyes.

”Both male and female evil spirits, although you and your wife are powerful, we three demons will fight at the same time today. You have no way to live. How about, are you interested in joining us? We Xiong Di value them very much.”