Part 30 (1/2)

Still, Jane noted. He did not produce them for the panel to confirm his testimony and the chair, despite the request of Diana that they be solicited, did not ask for them.

When Henry hesitated, Trenchant reminded Lyle that student's likes and dislikes of an instructor could vary wildly from year to year.

”Remember how great your SmurFFs were in the nursing course three years ago?” She said. ”Then the very next year, they were the pits.

Isn't that correct?”

Lyle reluctantly agreed that it was and Henry quickly took back the questioning to bring Lyle to the crowning touch of his testimony before Trenchant could further discredit him. Henry asked if he thought Diana was unable to write because of an injured wrist during the December last evaluation period. Proudly, Lyle presented two original handwritten doc.u.ments. ”Both of these,” he claimed, ”were written by Diana and I found them in my files.”

”This one is dated in mid December, at the time she claims she could not write,” he smirked triumphantly at Diana.

”Did you write that?” Henry demanded of Diana, looking smug and terribly well pleased with the way things were going.

”Yes, I did, but not in December. I wrote that after returning from ChristmasNew Year's vacation in January before the started. This note refers to equipment I would require for the room I was a.s.signed to teach in during the winter semester. I was not a.s.signed that room until I returned from vacation in January so I wouldn't be writing anything about fixtures in December. This is a fact that can be verified.

”Look at this. Trenchant held up the paper for the panel to see.

”The right hand corner has been torn off where I put the date which would be in January. The date written on this note is at the bottom and was written in by Lyle. The ink used is entirely different for the date than for the rest of the note and I recognize the way he makes sevens with the slash.”

”Well, yes.” Lyle allowed, showing some discomfort, he had written that date in because the note wasn't dated and he put the date on when he received it and that was in December.

He said nothing about the torn corner and looked very anxious.

”Well I kept a copy of this note which I can bring in showing the date to be where this piece was torn off and that date will be in January.” Trenchant announced, turning to the committee members.

”Once more, evidence in this hearing has been tampered with.”

”It won't be necessary to see your copy,” Henry ruled, hastily.

”I'm sure this is just a difference that occurs where each person remembers the date a bit differently. There is no attempt to tamper here. . .”

Chapter 27

Henry nervously dismissed Lyle and directed the committee's attention toward Diana to distract them from further questioning.

”We have finished with the witnesses in this hearing.

If you have a brief summation or anything you want to say in closing, we will hear it, go ahead,” he ordered. ”First, however, you and the stenographer may take a break while the panel confers.”

Instead of leaving after he had finished testifying, Jimbo Jones had gone back to the waiting room to pick up his belongings. Except for Jonathan, the room was empty of people now that the hearing was winding down.

”h.e.l.lo, how goes it,” Jonathan greeted him. He had been making himself available in the committee waiting room a few hours every day as Henry had ordered. This was so it would appear that Trenchant had the availability of counsel from the ombudsman if the matter ever came up.

”Not bad. Henry seems a mite wound up though. Can't understand why.

The whole academic council decided to terminate her, what is he getting all haired out about?”

”As I understand it,” Jonathan offered, leaning toward Jimbo and lowering his voice into a conspiratorial, confidential tone, Trenchant has managed to bring forth a good defense and has the hearing panel pretty well divided. Only Frank is going along with Henry. The women are looking at the evidence and they aren't convinced. Jane confided in me during the last break that she thought it was possible that Trenchant had been framed.”

”What the h.e.l.l would give her that idea,” grinned Jimbo, with a sly wink.

”Quiet, keep your voice down.” Jonathan moved away from Jimbo and closed the hearing room door. ”Well, for one thing, one of the SmurFFs you found was evidently written by a student.

She came forward and identified it. That really casts doubt on the ability of the doc.u.ment examiners.”

”One I found? I just don't understand all this. Everyone keeps telling me that I found some SmurFFs in my course. Lyle, Henry, Mark and now you. I don't remember it and I told the panel that just a few minutes ago.”