20 Chapter 20: You killed my friend! (1/2)

As they walked, Nero asked, ”Is there a barrier that prevents strong monsters from appearing here?”

”Oh, that's exactly it!” Choko asked surprise: ”How did you know? Did you remember anything?”

Nero shook her head in denial: ”No, but I imagined, since there was a barrier that could prevent them from entering, there must also be one that restricts them.”

”Makes sense.” Choko agreed, but she couldn't help but be surprised.

Breno asked cautiously, ”Nero, is everything okay?”

Nero raised her eyebrows in confusion: ”Hello?”

”I mean... about killing someone yesterday...” Breno added.

”Oh.” Nero was silent for a while; she didn't know how to feel about it herself. But I wasn't as shaken up as she was yesterday: ”I'm better.”

Hearing this, Breno and his group sighed with relief.

”Hrm, does that always happen?” Nero asked.

”If you mean, about stealing?”

”Yeah, do you have a lot of them trying to steal?” Nero asked.

Jair answered: ”Not much, but it always happens. It's inevitable, I think. That's why it's always good to hunt in groups.”

”Yeah, not just thieves to be careful of,” Breno said seriously.

Jana added: ”Exactly, there are also people who kill for pleasure, or even kidnap to sell, even rare cases, may even be taken to do experiments.”

That was all the information they could easily get in town. Since there were many cases of disappearances and some were important people, which caused many investigations.

But they didn't realize that the moment Jana said that... Nero had stopped walking.

But then a loud scream resounded.

”Nero?” Choko looked back and realized that Nero was on her knees on the ground and with her hands on her head screaming loudly, ”Nero!”

Choko and they approached each other worried about what had happened.

After screaming for almost two whole minutes... Nero fainted.



(Former body owner POV: Nera)

”Who are you?”

”Mommy, Daddy, big sister!”

”Why are you doing this to me?”

”You're just another one of our experiments.”

”Where am I?”

”Why did my sister do this to me?”

”Hi, I'm Yui.”

”Nera will brush her teeth.”

”I'm coming, Mom!”

”It's your fault the big sister doesn't pay any more attention to me!”

”Get those needles off me!”

”I was not born to be made of experiments...”


Nera 5 years old.

”Big sister, are you going hunting now?” Nera asked.

”Yeah.” The elder sister of Nera whose name is Elsa answered.

”Let me go with you?” She asked.

”No, you're still too young,” Elsa answered.

”Daughter, the food is ready, wash your hands and come and eat.”

”I'm coming, Mom!” Nera screamed back.

”Wait, Nera.”

”Hrm?” Nera looking away, she saw her middle sister Eliane.

”I know how you can go hunting with us.” She whispered.

”How?” Nera asked with a sparkle in her eyes.

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”Easy, just hide inside the boat before we leave!” She answered low.