Chapter 983 - Gu Juexi’s Answer (1/2)

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

Gu Juexi pulled Ye Yuwei by the hand, gesturing for her to sit properly. He then proceeded to speak. “I won’t comment much on whoever is responsible for your mother’s death but the question now is why they murdered your mother.”

“Why? Isn’t this your Gu family’s issue?” Nalan Chunbo replied mockingly.

Ye Yuwei sitting at the back seat wondering why those two just couldn’t talk nicely to each other.

Gu Juexi tightened his grip, unconsciously hurting Ye Yuwei. “You’d better pray that this is just between the Gu family and Wen family… Or else—”

“Ouch—” Ye Yuwei yelped in pain.

Gu Juexi regained his composure and quickly released his grip.

Ye Yuwei gently ma.s.saged her arm as she angrily asked, “What’s the matter with you?”

Gu Juexi looked at Ye Yuwei with pitiful eyes. “Let’s go to the Wen family manor now.”

“Gu Juexi, I’m not your driver,” Nalan Chunbo stated angrily.

“If you want an answer then go to the Wen family manor.” Gu Juexi’s tone was ice cold. Nalan Chunbo’s anger didn’t seem to be affecting him.

Ye Yuwei was still ma.s.saging her arm but was shocked to hear Gu Juexi’s tone. This Gu Juexi was almost like the old Gu Juexi that had faced Cheng Jie years ago.

“There is no one in the Wen family manor.” Nalan Chunbo said as he made a turn at the junction.

Gu Juexi leaned back in his seat and closed his eyes. His hand on his thigh curled into a fist.

Somehow, Ye Yuwei knew that Gu Juexi might have already linked the investigation and concluded that he had to confront Wen Chenghao.

But it made Ye Yuwei uneasy. Normally Gu Juexi would inform her of everything but recently, he was not opening up.