Chapter 611 - Enough is Enough, Ye Yuwei (1/2)

Chapter 611: Enough is Enough, Ye Yuwei

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

Ye Yuwei glanced at Gu Juexi and said, “Since Mr. Gu is here, what is his opinion on this?”

Gu Juexi’s hand paused over his phone for a second and he glared at Ye Yuwei. He was wearing a white s.h.i.+rt b.u.t.toned up to the neck, but the ones on his sleeves were unb.u.t.toned.

Gu Juexi stretched his long legs and stood up from his chair gracefully. He put down his phone and b.u.t.toned his cuff with one hand, then looked at the people in front of Ye Yuwei.

No one could deny Gu Juexi’s charm. Even Juan Zi and Mr. Zhao stared at him when he stood up.

Ye Yuwei remained in her seat and looked at the man who basically attracted everyone on earth.

Gu Juexi b.u.t.toned his other cuff and walked towards them. He picked up the drawings on Ye Yuwei’s desk–the one with the sunlight and the one without.

There was indeed some difference.

Gu Juexi put down the drawings and asked directly, “Do our guests come to the resort to be in the room all day?”

In other words, the sunlight was not a big issue for the renovation.

Ye Yuwei shrugged with a faint smile on her face while Chen Mei’s face turned pale as she gazed at Gu Juexi with suppressed affection.

“You heard what Mr. Gu said. If he doesn’t think the sunlight is an issue, you should stop clinging to it too,” Ye Yuwei remarked tonelessly.

Ye Yuwei looked at Gu Juexi as he said to Chen Mei, “I hope this is the last time you make a mistake like this, Miss Chen. This is not what Gu Enterprise hired you for.”

Chen Mei’s face fell after what Gu Juexi said. Looks like it was impossible for her to impress their CEO now.

Juan Zi continued to gaze at Gu Juexi after sending Mr. Zhao and Chen Mei off. Men like Gu Juexi were so macho and attractive.