Chapter 17: I know who the killer is (1/2)

Chapter 17: I know who the killer is

“I have already told you the reason. Go figure out the rest on your own! Also, if you have any other troubling issues in the future, you can always come find me. This place is rather quiet. Not many people come here and I’m really bored….”

I looked around my surroundings and my mouth twitched. Deep down, I thought to myself, “Why would anyone want to come here? If they come, they would probably be like me or even weirder.”

But I was still thankful for Grandmother Meng’s help. At least now I have a general idea of what to do.

“Thank you!” I gave Grandmother Meng a deep bow and then quickly left. I didn’t want to come back to such an eerie place ever again.

The moment the elevator door opened on the first floor, Huang Zhiwen was standing in front of me.

How did he know where I was?

But since he came to find me, he must have already made up his mind.

It was an unnecessary step, but I decided to ask anyway, “Have you decided to unite with me?”

Huang Zhiwen nodded and floated in front of me.

I steadily followed behind him. My intuition was telling me that he was going to lead me to the killer.

Initially, I thought he was going to lead me back to that smelly and dirty alley with garbage piling up like a village deep in the mountains. Surprisingly, after walking for a long time, our destination was poles apart from what I had imagined it to be.

It was Spring and its prime blooming time. I didn’t know the breeds nor the names. However, there were all sorts of flowers along the paths, alleys, and the parks. They were all trying very hard to stand out amongst each other during their short seasonal lives.

There was a college nearby and many couples would often be enticed to come over for pictures. To the left and right were peach blossom trees. When the wind blew, the petals would gently fall down onto the pedestrians’ back.

Huang Zhiwen was pointing at a direction. I followed his finger and noticed there was a college flower shop in the middle of the peach blossom path.

Every single person who came out of that shop was holding onto a bundle of flowers. Their faces were beaming with joy and all of them had satisfied smiles on their faces. Were they going to declare their love? Or were they the receivers? I honestly couldn’t see the connection between this sweet elegant place and the homicidal maniac.

“Are you positive he’s here?” I frowned as I doubtfully asked Huang Zhiwen.

He nodded with confidence.

A smiling middle aged man came out of the flower shop with a flower pot. The moment Huang Zhiwen saw him, he instantly turned around and hid behind something.

I also went to hide along with Huang Zhiwen as I racked my brain and observed the boss of the store. Based on Huang Zhiwen’s horrific expression, I was 80-90% sure that he was the killer. But no matter what, I couldn’t connect this guy with the evil and vicious homicidal maniac who tried to kill me.

In order to confirm, I turned to Sheyu, “Is it really him?”

Sheyu also nodded and my scale swayed.

I couldn’t help but create a profile in my mind: This is the disguise of the homicidal maniac. His disguise is an ordinary middle aged man. He uses his bloody hands to gently caress flowers. The flower is a symbol for happiness. Beneath his kind smile, he is actively using his merciless eyes to locate his next victim. In order to satisfy his desire, his true self will be revealed in the dark alley when he becomes the killer who finds joy in massacring others.

Thinking of this, I couldn’t help but sweat profusely.

What am I supposed to do? Although I had managed to find the homicidal maniac with my method, I could not call the cops to capture him because I have no presentable evidence! Do I seriously have to wait until he commits another crime to seize him?

Deep down, I knew I must not be rash. If by chance the boss escaped because he figured out I knew he was the killer, Sheyu, Huang Zhiwen, and all the other dead victims from before will never forgive me.

After hesitating over and over again, I turned away from the flower shop and walked the opposite direction.

For the time being, I must think twice before I act.

Suddenly, I heard the sound of a vehicle stepping on its emergency brake. My childhood memory of the car accident immediately popped up in front of me and made me feel very uneasy.

After I snapped out of it, I noticed a car had stopped on my right side of the street. The car window rolled down and revealed Suyang as the driver.

I recalled our unpleasant interaction from this morning and waited for him to speak first.

Suyang’s first line was, “You’re going the wrong way.”

“I can go whichever way I want. I’m not a car.” I rolled my eyes at him as I conveniently swept my eyes across his car.

Ohhh, a luxury car!

“What are you doing here?”

“I am an unemployed person. I’m just strolling around. What about you, huh? Aren’t you an author? Shouldn’t you be at home writing a novel?” As I retorted, my eyes landed on his front passenger seat and I directly entered his car.

Sheyu and Huang Zhiwen also followed along. They obediently sat behind me.