Chapter 8: The Contract (2/2)


Party A is prohibited from wearing revealing clothes indoors.


Party A is prohibited from airing undergarments inside public space.


Party A is prohibited from making indecent noises while she eats; as it could negatively affect second party’s appetite.


Party A is responsible for all household duties. Party B will check for cleanliness every Monday, Wednesday, Friday, and Sunday. Party B has the right to order Party A to do it again if he is unsatisfied.

It was getting more and more ridiculous. At first, it was “Party A and Party B”. Afterwards, it was only targeted only towards Party A. By the time I got to clause 243, I was speechless. Not only was I speechless, I was also furious.

Hope Party A will find a job. She looks like an unemployed person.

Hope Party A could put some makeup on. Ideally, do not come out bare faced. Too plain.


I’m probably the firstest first party in history.

“You’re too much!!” Halfway through, I couldn’t take it anymore. I slapped the so-called contract on the table and resentfully asked, “Why does every clause restrict me? Why don’t you give yourself some rules?”

“Because I don’t have any shortcomings.” Suyang stated in a matter of fact voice, “This contract was rushed overnight, so if I am missing anything, please feel free to add.”

“There are stuff to add! Party B, please do not be so full of yourself! Party B, please fix your personality!”

I was so enraged that I almost lost consciousness from anger!

“Your suggestions will be considered. Any other questions? If not, please sign.” Suyang handed me a pen.

Even though every fiber in my body cried out against doing so, what choices did I have? I had nowhere to live or go. Plus, after thinking more precisely, the chances I would break the clauses were quite low.

“I only have to sign my name, right?” As I spoke, I signed my name, Lin Yixin, next to Party A.

It was then I realized I was holding two copies of the contract. My heart felt slightly lighter. Oh, so there were only 200+ clauses…

Wait! 200+ was already a lot!!!

What just happened to me? I was almost tamed...what a close call!

“We will each keep a copy of the contract.” Suyang extended his hand at me and I gave him his contract. As for my copy, I casually left on the table. I was planning to go back to my room to sleep some more.

“Your contract.” Suyang thought I had forgotten and reminded me.

I irritably turned around, “That’s my contract?”


“Then I can place it wherever I want to?”


“I want to put it on the table. I can’t?” I purposely spoke with a lot of attitude and openly challenged Suyang.

Suyang got up from the sofa and picked up my contract as he looked down on me, “Clause 4 states that aside from big furniture, everything else is considered personal belongings. Party A and Party B must not mix the two. Please place your own belongings in your personal space. Do not let it appear in public space. This includes the living room, the washroom. You just read this, and you have forgotten already? Are you a goldfish?”