Part 4 (1/2)
Cut one pound stew beef or veal in small two-inch pieces, flour thickly and brown in tablespoon of hot suet; add one-half cup chopped onion, one bay leaf, four cups tomatoes; cook slowly until meat is tender; add salt, one tablespoon chile pulp; one cup cold boiled potatoes--cut in neat squares. When potatoes are hot, serve on triangles of b.u.t.tered toast.
Mexican Chicken Meat b.a.l.l.s
Two cups ground chicken, two tablespoons finely chopped onion, one-half cup tomato, one-half garlic b.u.t.ton, two tablespoons chopped sweet pepper, one egg, one teaspoon mint leaves, one-half teaspoon aregano, one teaspoon salt, one tablespoon b.u.t.ter, three tablespoons corn meal mush, mix together, roll in flour, make into b.a.l.l.s, fry in deep fat, or bake in oven, serve with Spanish sauce.
Spanish Fish Stew
Cut fish in three-inch pieces, salt and roll in corn meal. Heat tablespoon bacon fat and one of olive oil, add half cup sliced onion, fry brown, add fish and brown, add enough tomato to barely cover fish, two tablespoons chile sauce, salt to taste, pinch safron, and aregano; cook few minutes. Serve on platter. Garnish with potato b.a.l.l.s sprinkled with chopped parsley.
Spanish Baked Fish
Make a filling of bread crumbs wet with one cup of tomatoes, add one tablespoon minced onion, one tablespoon parsley, one-half cup red tomato pulp, two tablespoons melted b.u.t.ter, ten sliced olives, one-half cup seedless raisins; fill and sew up fish. Place in pan. When done, remove carefully to hot platter and peel off skin. Pour hot prepared Spanish sauce over fish; garnish with lemon and parsley. Awfully good.
Spanish Fried Fish
Salt and dip Barracuda or any tender fish in a batter made of egg, flour, milk and salt. Fry in deep hot olive oil. Serve with sauce made by browning tablespoon onion in tablespoon olive oil, adding tablespoon flour and browning, then add one cup tomatoes, two tablespoons green or red chile pulp, salt; cook and pour across center of fish, allowing brown crisp ends to show. Garnish with slices of sweet green pepper, lemon and parsley.
Spanish Hash
Put a layer of seasoned whipped potatoes one inch thick in a shallow baking pan. Another layer of finely chopped beef, lamb, veal, fish, or fowl; seasoned with salt and pepper and a little onion browned in lard; prepare a top layer of one cup onions, one green and one sweet red pepper, one tablespoon parsley, teaspoon chili powder or pulp, salt, tablespoon flour--all browned in two tablespoons lard. Add one-half can tomatoes; cook till thick; spread over meat layer, sprinkle with bread crumbs, bits of cheese and bake. Dainty when baked in individual dishes.
Spanish Curry Hash
Brown in two tablespoons b.u.t.ter, three tablespoons chopped onions, one cup ground meat,--one or more kinds, one cup tomatoes, ten sliced olives, one tablespoon Worcesters.h.i.+re sauce, one chopped green sweet pepper, one-fourth teaspoon curry powder, one tablespoon flour; add cup of any meat stock or hot water; salt to taste; add one cup cooked rice; alternate in layer with hash. Pour little b.u.t.ter over top and bake.
Garnish with parsley and slices of hard cooked egg.
Spanish Stewed Rabbit
Gut and roll rabbit in meal and flour, salt and chile powder, fry nice brown, cover with Spanish sauce, little hot water, add one-half cup raisins, stew ten minutes, garnish with toast and mint.
Spanish Chicken Stew
Cut up tender chicken, salt and flour, brown in small amount of olive oil. Keep hot. Add tablespoon b.u.t.ter to oil left in frying pan; add one-half cup onions, one small clove of garlic, tablespoon parsley, two tablespoons flour; brown all together and add two cups tomatoes, two tablespoons chile pulp and one teaspoon sugar; cook until thick; pour over chicken; garnish with b.u.t.tered toast and green peas.
Spanish Style Stuffed Chicken
Brown a fat tender chicken in a small amount of lard by turning over and over for a few minutes. Make a dressing of two cups bread crumbs, three tablespoons pulp of sweet green peppers, one cup tomatoes, two tablespoons chopped onion, one-half cup claret, two tablespoons sugar, one-half cup sliced onions, one-half cup seeded raisins, one teaspoon white pepper, and salt to taste. Stuff chicken and bake in closed pan one hour. Make gravy of drippings by adding flour, mushroom sauce and hot water. Pour over chicken.