Part 26 (1/2)
”Will you please repeat that remark?” insisted Miss Higley.
”No,” said Viola, sharply, ”I will not!”
Miss Higley's ruddy face flashed a deep red. To have a pupil openly defy a teacher is beyond the forgiveness of many women less aggressive than Miss Higley.
”You had better leave the room,” she said--”take your books with you.”
”I won't require them,” snapped Viola, intending to give out the impression that she would leave school if she were to be treated in that manner by Miss Higley.
”Get at your work, young ladies,” finished the teacher, fastening her eyes on her own books, and thus avoiding anything further with Viola.
To reach her room Viola was obliged to pa.s.s Dorothy's. Just as she came up to number nineteen Dorothy opened the door. Her eyes were red from weeping, and she looked very unhappy indeed.
”Oh, do come in Viola,” she said, surprised to see the girl before her.
”I was going to you directly after cla.s.s--I did not know you were out.”
”I cannot come now,” answered Viola. ”I must go to my room!”
”Is there anything the matter?” inquired Dorothy, kindly.
”Yes,” replied Viola, using her regular tactics, that of forcing Dorothy to make her own conclusions.
”Is your mother worse?”
”I, oh--my head aches so. You must excuse me Dorothy,” and at this Viola burst into tears, another ruse that always worked well with the sympathetic Dorothy.
The fact was Dorothy had spent a very miserable hour that morning, after her talk with the president, and she had finally decided to put the whole thing to Viola, to ask her for a straight-forward explanation, and to oblige her to give it. But now Viola was in trouble--Dorothy had no idea that the trouble was a matter of temper, and of course her mother must be worse, thought Dorothy. How glad she was, after all, that she did make the sacrifice! It was much easier for her to stand it than to crush Viola with any more grief!
Crush her indeed! It takes more than the mere words of a just school teacher and more than the pale face of a persecuted girl to crush such a character as that which Viola Green was lately cultivating.
And as Viola turned into her room she determined never to apologize to Miss Higley. She would leave Glenwood first.
Meanwhile what different sentiments were struggling in Dorothy's heart?
She had bathed her face, and would go into the cla.s.sroom. She might be in time for some work, and now there was no use in wasting time over the trouble. She would never mention it to Viola, that poor girl had enough to worry her. Neither would she try to right it in any way.
After all, Mrs. Pangborn believed in her, so did Edna and Molly, and a letter from home that morning told of the recovery of Tavia's mother.
Perhaps Tavia would be back to school soon. It might be hard to meet the scornful looks of the other girls, but it could not possibly be as hard as what Viola had to bear.
So thought our dear Little Captain, she who was ever ready to take upon her young and frail shoulders the burdens of others.
But such virtue plainly has its own reward--Dorothy Dale entered the cla.s.sroom at eleven o'clock that morning, with peace in her heart.
Viola Green was out of the school room and was fighting the greatest enemies of her life--Pride, mingled with Jealousy.
It had been that from the first, from the very first moment she set her eyes on Dorothy Dale, whose beautiful face was then framed in the ominous black lining of the police patrol.
It had been jealousy ever since. Dorothy had made friends with the best girls in Glenwood, she had been taken up by the teachers, she had been given the best part in the play (but Viola could not stand that) and now that the play had been abandoned on account of the death of Mrs. Panghorn's father, and that Dorothy had been disgraced, what more did Viola crave?