Part 23 (1/2)

”They're running!” Rick pounded on the control wheel with excitement.

”Look! They're breaking ranks and running!”

”Excellent,” the governor said calmly. ”Now the other groups. Then, in spite of the rifle fire, let us go and tell those at the diamond pipe what they are doing. They will not hit us with those rifles.”

Rick knew that was true. A lucky shot might hit them, but it took practice to hit a fast-flying plane, even with automatic weapons. ”Let's go,” he said.


Solution: Nuclear

San Luz was in a state of complete chaos. The majority of the island people dropped everything as the word of treasure spread, and the slopes of El Viejo were covered with treasure hunters using everything from shovels to pointed sticks in an effort to find _los diamantes_. Only a bare handful even knew that the diamonds occurred only in a small volcanic pipe on the western slope.

If the hunt continued, Rick thought, the slopes would be denuded of vegetation.

There was intermittent fighting around the volcanic pipe, the police reported. Guevara's peons had succeeded in holding the diamond pipe, but were surrounded by soldiers. Now and then Guevara attempted to clear the entire area, but with the entire army struggling to dig diamonds he wasn't having much success. The police officer who investigated also reported that an American was with Guevara. That would be Connel, of course.

The scientists had moved at once to start shooting again, with the police pus.h.i.+ng back the diamond seekers until the dynamite could be set off in safety. The crazed hunters a.s.sumed that the explosions were also means of seeking the diamonds, and rushed to the craters before the smoke had cleared.

No one really cared. The data was being collected, and it showed that the situation was growing extremely serious.

”Ten days maximum,” Zircon said. ”Maybe less. The magma has about reached that rock dike, and once it melts through, there goes the mountain.”

”We must get the people off,” Governor Montoya insisted. ”That is the first thing. I shall call at once for help from the Americans. They have forces at the Ca.n.a.l Zone and also in the West Indies. They will send help.”

”Yes,” Hartson Brant agreed. ”But first, we have a proposal. We will need the troops, but we may also need other help.”

Governor Montoya looked at him keenly. ”This proposal is perhaps a solution for El Viejo?”

”Perhaps. Let me outline the situation.” The scientist pointed out the magma on Dr. Williams' sketch. ”This is where the magma is now. Above it is a very thick layer of rock in which we can find no major weakness. It may hold the magma for a while. At least it probably will melt slowly.”

He pointed to a little line running from the western slope of the mountain down to the rock dike. ”This was where we wanted to dig a channel. Now it is too late to go all the way to the rock. The heat would be too great. But if we could drive a hole through, with great suddenness, the magma would be released and the eruption would be away from the island and into the sea.”

”How would you do this?” the governor asked.

”By getting help from the U. S. government, from Army Engineers and Seabees, who are U. S. Navy engineers. We would drive the tunnel as far down as time permitted. Of course we would keep track of the magma constantly. Then, as time ran out, we would place a charge in the hole--a shaped charge, as it is called--which would drive the hole most of the way to the magma. It would also crack the rock dike. The magma would seek the weakest spots, of course. It is under enormous pressure.

And we would have the result we want.”

”But what kind of explosive would be enough for such an undertaking?”

Montoya demanded. ”Not enough dynamite could be packed into the tunnel to do the work.”

”We weren't thinking of dynamite,” Hartson Brant said quietly. ”We were thinking of a nuclear explosion.”

Rick gasped. He had no warning of this. The scientists had evidently arrived at the conclusion while he was flying around over the diamond seekers.

Montoya gasped, too. ”But that would kill everyone on the island!”