Part 17 (1/2)


Night Patrol

The jeep rolled out of Calor on the highway back to the Hot Springs Hotel. Scotty drove, while Rick relaxed in the seat beside him. They had taken time for a sandwich and coffee, because they were not sure when they might eat again.

Hartson Brant and the scientists were at work on detailed a.n.a.lysis of the day's shots. It would take some time. When Rick told his father about the conversation with Captain Montoya, the scientist had nodded agreement. ”It sounds like good sense, especially since there has been no sign of an invasion of the city. The troops could have been here before this. Go ahead, but be cautious. Always leave your escape route open.”

It was good advice, and the boys intended to take it.

Scotty drove in silence for a few minutes, then said, ”We're nearly at the fork in the road. Keep an eye open.”

”Will do,” Rick a.s.sured him. The left fork was the main, paved road to San Souci. The right fork led up to the hotel.

Scotty reached the fork and slowed.

”There!” Rick pointed.

Twenty yards up the right fork there was a barricade fence, newly made of small logs. Lounging against the fence were a half dozen soldiers.

”We could go left to San Souci, but not to the hotel,” Rick said. ”Now what?”

”Hold on and be ready for a quick take-off,” Scotty muttered. He turned the jeep into the left fork, then s.h.i.+fted and backed around and up the right fork to where the soldiers waited.

One soldier, with sergeant's stripes on his sleeve, sauntered over to them. He carried a rifle, but Rick noted that he didn't hold it at the ready. The boy called, ”Do you speak English, sergeant?”

”Leetle beet,” the soldier replied. He smiled cordially. ”What you weesh, senores?”

”Can we get to the hotel?” Scotty asked.

”No can, senor.”

”Why not?” Rick asked.

”Ees ... how you say? ... big talk at hotel. Ees _el gobernador y_ ...

and ... _el comandante_ Guevara. Also more mens. No one goes to hotel long time. Maybe when talk feenish.”

”The governor and lieutenant governor are having a big conference at the hotel?” Rick asked incredulously.

”Ees so, senor.”

”How long will this conference last?” Scotty asked.

The sergeant shrugged. ”_Quien sabe?_ Maybe two day, maybe two _semana_ ... how you say?...”

”Weeks,” Rick supplied. ”What are they talking about?”

”Ees ... how you say?... _seguridad nacional_. Thees ees what _el comandante_ speaks to us.”

Rick glanced at Scotty. ”National security conference. Those can last a long time.” He looked at the sergeant again. ”We could go to San Souci, and from there to the hotel, maybe.”