Part 15 (1/2)

If our guess is right, Connel will be lucky to have a few days in which to work--scarcely enough to do much mining.”

”Any ideas?” Rick asked.

”Yes. Talk to the governor's family, and to his personal staff. Stay away from Guevara. Once Connel tells him we know about the diamonds, he may become dangerous. Do what you can, boys. After all, this isn't a big island and the governor must be somewhere on it.”

”If he's alive,” Scotty added.

Hartson Brant looked at the boy and his face grew grim. ”Yes,” he agreed. ”If he's alive.”

Rick and Scotty had always relished the adventure and excitement of trying to solve a mystery. Sometimes the success or failure of a project had hung in the balance, but this one was different. The fate of an island and nearly 32,000 people depended on solving the riddle of the missing governor. Rick felt the weight of the responsibility.

The plan he and Scotty developed was simple and logical. They would start with the governor's movements on the morning of his disappearance and continue from there.

At the governor's residence they learned from his butler that Montoya had left the house promptly at eight o'clock, as he did every morning.

He drove himself, in a small English car that he used for personal transportation. But, as they knew from the visit to the executive offices, he had never arrived.

The next stop was to determine his route. It wasn't difficult; there was only one main road from the outskirts of Calor into town, although there were many side streets.

With Honorario as interpreter, they began the time-consuming job of questioning householders along the route.

Honorario was personally interested in the job. He had learned from them of Connel's perfidy, and he said quietly, ”Ruiz is my friend. We do not yet know if he will live, or, if he lives, if he will be a whole man again. I owe it to him to do my best in this matter. You may depend on me.”

Not until they had reached the outskirts of Calor did they find what had happened. Through Honorario, an old lady who had seen it all through her window told them the story.

”A big military truck was across the road,” Honorario reported. ”It was keeping cars from pa.s.sing. The little car of the governor came, and it had to stop. An officer got in with the governor. The truck moved away and the governor drove off. The old woman thinks the officer was pointing a gun at the governor. She did not know it was the governor, but her words to describe him were enough.”

Rick whistled. ”Military? Does that mean the governor got caught by some kind of revolutionary group?”

Honorario shrugged. ”Who knows? But I have heard of no revolution. The governor is popular, and the people are satisfied. But you should know, my friends, that on this island the _comandante_ of our small military is the lieutenant governor. I think we are not dealing here with revolution, but with Senor Jaime Guevara!”

”We're stuck,” Scotty said. ”I suppose we could keep on asking and try to get a line on where the governor's car went, but that's pretty hopeless. Honorario, can we possibly find someone who is loyal to the governor and who knows the island?”

Honorario thought it over. ”In such a case,” he replied, ”there is only one way to be sure. It is, you understand, a matter of family. Among San Luzians, the family is first and all else is after. So, I think we should see the nephew of the governor. He is _el capitan_ Ricardo Montoya, who is deputy of police for the western part of the island.”

Captain Ricardo Montoya was young, capable, and alert. Honorario found him in the police headquarters in central Calor and invited him to join the boys for coffee at a nearby cafe.

Rick looked the officer over as he entered the restaurant, and he liked what he saw. Montoya was built like a middleweight fighter, and his white uniform was spotless. He was lighter in complexion than most San Luzians, but even the wisp of mustache on his upper lip couldn't conceal the firmness of his face.

He greeted them courteously, in good English. ”_A sus ordenes, senores._ This Honorario says you wish to speak with me?”

”We place ourselves in your hands, Senor _Capitan_,” Rick said quietly.

”Because you are the governor's nephew and a police official, we must a.s.sume that you are completely loyal to him.”

The officer's brilliant dark eyes flashed. ”It would be a grave insult to a.s.sume otherwise, senor. He is the brother of my father.”

”Good,” Rick said. ”No insult was intended. I think we had better tell you the entire story, then we can discuss what must be done.” He started at the beginning, with the arrival of Balgos at Spindrift, and ended with the day's events.

”You have cast much light on what has happened,” the captain stated. ”I am grateful. Now, senores, you must not believe I have been idle. I had already discovered how my uncle was kidnaped. It was clear that some military element was involved, but I rejected the idea of revolution.