Part 7 (1/2)

Scotty shook his head. ”You're on thin ice, boy. People don't react to accidents in a standard way. It might have been overdone, but it might not, too. What else?”

”He didn't want us to go along as helpers after Ruiz was hurt. I know that doesn't mean much, and he said he was just afraid of another accident, but wouldn't you think he'd like some company? Besides, two accidents like that just don't happen. Then, when we suggested changing stations so he could have more time to work on other things, he yelled pretty fast.”

”Because we don't know his terrain,” Scotty pointed out. ”At least that's what he said.”

”Sure. But what's to know about the terrain? All we'd have to do would be to follow his jeep tracks, and shoot where the ground is already torn up from his earlier shots. If it's safe for him to carry caps and dynamite, it's safe for us.”

Scotty scratched his chin thoughtfully. ”I see what you mean. But the evidence isn't very conclusive, is it?”

”No,” Rick admitted. ”Only where's he going now? If he planned to go to town, he'd invite anyone who wanted to go, wouldn't he? That's what most people would do.”

Scotty chuckled. ”One thing I like about you. When you get a notion in that noggin, it doesn't come out easily. Next you'll be suggesting that he slugged Williams and stole the dynamite.”

”He could have,” Rick pointed out. ”Apparently he was alone in his room both times. At least no one said he was with them.”

Scotty held up his hands in surrender. ”Okay. What do we do about it?”

”Let's see where he's going.”

”I knew it,” Scotty said resignedly. ”Okay. But we'd better hurry.”

There was a clear view from the front of the hotel down the slopes of the foothills to the town of Calor. The road wound around and occasionally vanished from sight in clumps of green growth, but the boys watched for several minutes and saw no sign of Connel. The jeep with Balgos and the others was rolling along in the distance, but it was still close enough to see three occupants.

”He didn't go to town,” Rick said finally, ”and there's only one other road out of here.”

”To the shot stations,” Scotty agreed. ”Unless he cut off and headed for San Souci.” That was a little fis.h.i.+ng village on the west coast. Neither boy had been there, but they had used a flagpole on the tip of the cape near the town as a sighting marker.

”Let's go see,” Rick suggested.

They hurried through the hotel to the parking lot and got into the jeep.

Rick started the vehicle, crossed the fissure in the lot, and took the road west. According to the map, the road was paved as far as the pumice works. Beyond that it was graded dirt. If Connel had taken the dirt road, instead of the trail to the shot stations, they should see dust.

He kept the jeep rolling at good speed as far as the pumice-works shacks, then stopped to look for signs of a dust haze. There was none.

At the end of the blacktop, he and Scotty got out and examined the road surface. There were signs of traffic, but none very recent so far as they could tell. Rick drove the jeep a few hundred yards along the road, then got out and looked again. The heavy treads of his vehicle were clearly visible in the dust. If Connel had gone this way, he would have left similar marks.

”He took the trail,” Rick said.

Scotty nodded. ”Looks like it. Do we follow?”

”We sure do. What reason would he have for going to the station without dynamite?”

”None that I know of. Let's go.”

Rick turned the jeep into the trail and sped along it as fast as the ruts allowed. As they reached their third station with no sign of Connel, Scotty spoke suddenly. ”Suppose we find him? How do we explain why we're following him?”

Rick considered. He rejected a casual trip as explanation. Connel wouldn't buy it.

”We can park the jeep in the jungle,” he said finally. ”It will be well hidden. Then we can go on foot. If we see him coming, we can take to the bush. We'll be invisible a few feet away.”

The jeep was driven into the area where their shots had been set off. It was invisible from the trail. The boys left it and started hiking.