Part 11 (1/2)

”Somebody knew I was coming to Currian's,” blurted Throckmorton. ”A servant there - one Currian was suspicious about - that's why he had armed the others. I had the d.i.c.k along with me. He was armed, too.

”But n.o.body - not even the d.i.c.k - knew why I was bringing those securities to Currian. Even Currian didn't know. He knew I wanted to borrow as much as I could get on them; he was giving me a check.

But he didn't know why I wanted the money. ”I'll tell you why. Did you ever hear of Rufus Galder? Big millionaire who collects rare jewels? Well, he's selling some of them tonight. Going to have the whole lot at his apartment. Here in New York - Wednesday night - Rufus Galder.”

THROCKMORTON paused for breath. He was defiant as he looked toward Barth and Lagwood.

They could not stop him now. He spoke again to Cardona.

”n.o.body knew I was borrowing money from Currian so I could show up at Galder's and bid for some of those gems. A friend up in Boston told me about the sale. Big banker there, Tony Sharman. He couldn't make it. Said to use his name when I called on Galder.

”Sharman seemed worried. Said Galder had been pulling these private sales too often.” Throckmorton was talking in syllabic utterances. ”Told me to hire a d.i.c.k. Said to call Galder. Advise him to have police there. Sharman's advice to Galder. As a friend.

”I never called Galder. Went to Currian's. Woke up here. When you came in, the whole thing came back. Idea hit me. Crooks must have got us at Currian's. If they knew there was money loose at his place, they ought to know there would be jewels at Galder's. Get it? Only a few people at Currian's - two of us, detective, servants. Lot of people at Galder's maybe. Crooks found out about Currian's -”

”And you figure,” interrupted Cardona, ”that there's a bigger chance they'd know about Galder's.”

”That's it!” exclaimed Throckmorton, dropping back on the pillows.

”It's what I figure, too,” a.s.serted Cardona, turning to Commissioner Barth. ”We're up against hot crime.

The crooks are moving fast to keep ahead of us. There was an inside man at Currian's, a servant, and you can bet there'll be an inside man at Galder's.”

Cardona turned to Doctor Lagwood. He indicated Throckmorton, propped in the bed.

”The patient's yours, Doc,” declared the detective. ”Hope he didn't overtax himself, but he looks better now he's got that worry off his chest.”

Without further hesitation, Cardona strode toward the door. Commissioner Barth, excited, stalked after him. Barth had forgotten the insubordination. He was willing to follow Cardona's lead even further, in face of this possible crisis.

”You're calling headquarters?” questioned Barth, as they reached the hall together. ”Getting some men up there?”

”You're the boss, commissioner,” replied Cardona, stopping short. ”But if you want a suggestion, I've got it. The first person to call is Rufus Galder. If you do that, to put him on guard - he'd listen quick to you - I can be on another phone starting the ball rolling.”

”The radio patrol,” nodded Barth, ”all the available police in the vicinity, squad of plain-clothes men.

Form a cordon around -”

The commissioner had reached a room where a telephone showed on a table. Cardona kept on while Barth went in to send his call to Rufus Galder. Seizing a telephone book, the commissioner found the number that he wanted. Rufus Galder was listed as living at the Castellan Apartments. His phone number was Drury 8-3155. Barth picked up the telephone.

GERALD THROCKMORTON'S story was bringing prompt results. It was no shot in the dark. For the Castellan Apartments were located in the building that Spud Claxter's mob had already surrounded; andthe number of Rufus Galder's apartment was 4G.

Joe Cardona had found luck. The detective's insistence was bringing the forces of the law to a combat with Wolf Barlan's minions. Cardona had heard Throckmorton out. Following the Bostonian's hunch, Joe was getting somewhere.

Commissioner Barth had caught the contagious excitement of the ace detective. Instinctively, he was following the hunch. Like Cardona, Barth believed that crime was due at Rufus Galder's. The commissioner was out to stop it.

So was The Shadow. Whereas the law was springing to belated action, on the supposition that evil was impending, The Shadow had already learned the truth and was present on the scene.


THE SHADOW had reached the fourth floor of the fire tower. Here he had found a steel door that opened outward. Its outer k.n.o.b would not turn. It was latched. Yet it had not troubled The Shadow.

Using blackened tools, he had removed the k.n.o.b, then probed within. The latch had yielded; The Shadow had ended its usefulness. Yet The Shadow, after entering, had paid but a short trip to the hallway.

He had satisfied himself that all was well in apartment 4G. He had heard m.u.f.fled voices from within. Then he had returned beyond the steel door. It was opened only to a narrow slit. The Shadow, through this crevice, commanded a view of the hall.

The Shadow had deduced facts concerning the raid at Currian's. He was sure that the masked crooks had entered the millionaire's house ahead of the time appointed. That was why The Shadow had been too late. Tonight, The Shadow was sure that the cordon of outside mobsters had arrived in advance.

How did the crooks intend to enter? Not by the fire tower. Cliff would have been tipped to that fact; besides, the steel doors were too formidable. They must be coming either by the front door, where Spud could tip off Louie and Gabby of their arrival; or else they were already in the building.

This last supposition was a logical one; for apartments in this district were only partly tenanted. The squad of raiders could easily find a hiding place until the zero hour. That, however, did not matter. All that concerned The Shadow was the fact that the crooks attack through the hallway that he was guarding.

INSIDE Rufus Galder's apartment, nearly a dozen guests were enjoying a collation. Two servants were producing trays from a buffet, serving hors d'oeuvres and fancy liquors to the visitors. Most of those present were men; only three ladies were in the throng.

Rufus Galder, tall, portly and genial, was talking to two guests when a servant approached and spoke in a low tone. The millionaire put a question; receiving a cautious reply, he walked hurriedly from the living room and entered his study.

”Did you hear that, Huring?” questioned one of the two men to whom Galder had been talking.

”What?” inquired Huring, a tall, dark-browed fellow whose coa.r.s.e face seemed out of place in this group.

”What the servant said,” repeated the speaker. ”I didn't catch it, Pelman.”

”He said” - Pelman's tone was a whisper - ”that the call was very urgent. From the police commissioner, Mr. Wainwright Barth.”

”Odd, wasn't it?” questioned Huring.

With that he walked away. Pelman, a pudgy, lethargic individual, showed sudden keenness. He watched Huring stroll toward the little entry that led from the living room to the outer door. A moment later, he noted a slight darkening from the entry, as though someone had extinguished the light. The glow came on again. Huring came back into the living room.

Pelman grew suddenly suspicious. He did not like Huring. The man looked like an interloper, despite his smooth fitting full-dress suit. He wondered how the fellow had crashed into this high social gathering.

Then he recalled that Huring was reputed to be a man of considerable wealth.

Several persons here were interested in the jewels which Galder shortly intended to display. The millionaire was anxious to dispose of part of his collection. That was the real purpose for the gathering.

Had Huring been invited here as a potential buyer? Probably. Was that a blind on Huring's part?

While Pelman was still pondering on this question, he kept his eyes toward Huring. Hence he did not see the cause of the sudden gasp that came from nearly everyone present. Pelman turned. Rufus Galder had stepped from his study, followed by a servant. Both the millionaire and the menial were holding leveled revolvers.

”No one is to move,” ordered Galder sternly. ”I am acting with authority of the police commissioner. My instructions are to hold everyone in place; and I have full right to take any measures that I believe necessary.”

A hush fell over the group. Galder looked from man to man. The millionaire had grit. So had the servant beside him. Satisfied that he had full control, Galder resumed.

”Fortunately,” he said, ”I have not displayed my jewels. Hence the moment of danger has not yet arrived.

The commissioner has warned me that someone present may be the agent of criminals who plan an attack upon this apartment. The police are already on their way to offset such a raid.