17 XVI (1/2)

Demonborn LiviLove 24050K 2022-07-20


*****If you suffer from mental illness or depression, there are people there for you, please seek help, do not be a Rose*****

Rose sat up on her bed a let out a breathy sigh. She looked around the room of the house and judged silently at the lack of decoration in her room. A piece of her was still screaming about how she had messed everything up with Angelina when they got into their fight.

Hot tears found their ways down her cheeks as she tried to suppress the inner voices screaming at her.

'You don't deserve to live after what you said to her. All she's ever done is love you and care for you and you repay her by telling her she's nothing? That she's below you? That she's useless?'

The voices were right, as they always were. There was no point in her mind to hide it and try to fight it anymore. The depression was too real and too much had already gnawed at her very soul for her to deny the truth any longer. She was a waste of space. She was useless.

She didn't deserve to be in this world anymore. Tears clouded her vision as she wrote the dreaded note to her family.


By the time you're reading this, I'm likely long gone. Thank you for everything you've done for me and thank you for loving me when you never had to. Thank you for taking me in when I was alone in the cold.

I will never forget your kindness and gentleness towards me. I'm sorry for calling you weak, and stupid, and a mute freak. I love you dearly with all my heart.


With all my love to share,


P.S. Don's forget to turn off the oven and stove once you're done using them. I know it's a bad habit, but I won't be able to fix it before the house burns down.'

Her heart clenched at the memories of Angelina taking care of her and Levi, but none of them could measure and fix wha TX she had just broken apart into little pieces. Her bond that she took so long to build with her mother figure was slowly disintegrating and she could do nothing to stop it from happening. With a tear hitting the paper, she closed the letter into the envelope and addressed it to Angelina.

She pulled out another piece of paper and began to write again.


My brother and best friend, I'm sorry. The voices were right and the pull towards death was too strong. I'm sorry I wasn't strong enough to overcome them like you always told me I was capable of doing. You're my best friend and I'm sorry I'm leaving you alone like this. One day you'll find an amazing person who will love you unconditionally and wholly. No one will ever take my place, and they better not or I'll haunt your ass. I swear I will.