Part 23 (1/2)
”Don't I?” He reached out and tucked her hair behind one ear. ”When was the last time you watched Old Yeller?”
She scowled at him.
”Still reading the Valdemar books? How many copies you gone through now?”
She tucked her hands into her pockets and rocked back on her heels. ”Things like that aren't exactly knowing me.”
”Hmm. How about this? You're p.i.s.sed off. You've been riding on nerves and caffeine for a while, but today, you're p.i.s.sed off and you just want to hit something.”
Something flashed in her eyes, but she remained silent.
”What set you off?”
”Nothing.” Her voice was low and flat.
”Nothing? You sure about that, princess?”
There it was again...a flash of fire, hot and angry.
”Come on, surely there's something. Your panties are in a twist over something.” He slanted a look toward the bedroom she shared with Roger. Jealousy twisted his gut, but he kept his voice easy and light as he said, ”It's got to be rough, where you're at right now. No way to burn off that anger, that stress, that...”
He saw it coming, but he didn't bother to move.
His head snapped back from the force of her blow and even as the pain bloomed, he grinned at her. She stared at him, shock written all over her face. ”Feel better?”
Zoe gaped at him. ”You...what...”
Edging past her, he went to the mirror and peered at his mouth. He tasted blood. ”d.a.m.n, you've got a good right hook there, Zoe.”
What if love can't heal all wounds?.
Fix You.
2012 Mari Carr.
Second Chances, Book 1.
After too many years of secretly loving her best friend, Zoey realizes she's been shortchanging herself. It's time to take action. This New Year's Eve heralds the year she's going to tell Rob the truth. Even if he is on the road, reaching for musical stardom with his band.
Her plan is derailed when she discovers a lump in her breast-and it's not ”nothing to worry about”. How can she ask Rob to take a chance on love when her future is so uncertain?
Rob has spent his entire life chasing his dream, but the moment he hears Zoey's voice on the phone, he realizes he's been running the wrong race. Zoey never sounds like she's been crying. Ever. Without a second thought, he books a flight for home, determined to give her everything she needs. A shoulder to cry on, a hand to hold...and nights of intensely emotional, pa.s.sionate s.e.x.
His biggest challenge, though, is convincing his best friend that he's in it for the long haul. Because he finally knows what he wants, and it's not fame and fortune. It's her-and her love.
Warning: This book runs the emotional gamut between scorching-hot pa.s.sion and the pain and fear a.s.sociated with cancer. Keep a box of tissues next to your gla.s.s of ice water.
Enjoy the following excerpt for Fix You: Rob stared down at Zoey's face as she slept. Her eyes were still puffy from last night's tears. Neither of them had moved from the couch. Instead, he'd lain down next to her and held her as she silently wept. Pinp.r.i.c.ks attacked the arm he'd wrapped around her, his hand numb from lying in the same position for so long. He didn't bother to move. It felt too good holding her like this.
Some truths were cras.h.i.+ng down on him. He'd been an a.s.s, living his life like he had all the time in the world. Their time on this planet was far from infinite, and yet he'd squandered years of it, working on his career, focusing solely on making it big.
For what? Fame? Money? Why the h.e.l.l did he need that s.h.i.+t?
He'd always taken it for granted that Zoey would be here for him. How the f.u.c.k was he supposed to go on without her? The moment she'd told him about the cancer, the light had gone on.
I'm in love with her. Christ. I've been in love with her since the first day I laid eyes on her.
Zoey stirred. Rob's heart began to race as her eyes opened slowly. He wasn't wasting a second more. He couldn't. He just couldn't.
She was disoriented for a moment before she lifted her gaze and smiled.
With his free hand, he stroked her face softly. ”Zoey.” Her name fell from his lips on a hushed whisper, his chest constricting under the weight of every emotion under the sun-love, fear, happiness, panic, a raging case of nervousness.
What if she didn't feel the same way?
He took a deep breath. Fear wasn't going to hold him back another second longer. ”I'm going to break my promise.”
”What promise?”
He didn't respond. Instead, he bent his head and kissed her. Time froze as their lips met. Rob was transported back to that day in the park, to the truth that should have been obvious all those years ago. He'd been a blind, inexperienced boy back then, but now...his eyes were wide open.
It was her. Zoey. For him, it had always been her.
The kiss was a gentle touch at first, but when Zoey's lips softened and accepted his, he deepened it. Her small hand cupped his cheek, exploring his face hesitantly before growing bolder, stroking it.
The smell of cinnamon enveloped them, her candle still burning from the night before. He knew in his heart that from now on, that scent would always make him think of her. Of this moment.
His heart lodged in his throat when he realized the magnitude of what was happening, of what he wanted to happen next. He was kissing his best friend. And she was kissing him back.
Encouraged, he opened his mouth, stroking his tongue against hers. The kiss grew harder, hungrier. For several minutes-h.e.l.l, it could have been hours for all Rob knew-they simply kissed, learning each other's taste, texture. Her skin was soft beneath his fingers as he caressed her delicate cheek. Her breathing grew heavier, the heat of it warm against his skin.
When he finally moved away, she was there, looking at him, studying his face. Hers was the picture of confusion, wariness...and desire. He latched onto the last like a dying man clinging to life. She wanted him.
”Still weird?” He needed the joke, needed to get his bearings. His emotions were too raw, too new, too close to the surface.
She shook her head slowly. ”No. Not even close.”
”Good. I've been practicing.”
She laughed uneasily. ”You're insane. What the h.e.l.l prompted that?”
He knew her. Knew she'd try to twist this into something innocent, funny. He wouldn't let her. He ran his hand through her dark hair, overwhelmed by the need to touch her. ”Just figured it was past time. You mind if we talk about this after?”
”After what?”
He let his body answer the question. Turning so they lay face to face on the couch, he placed his lips back on hers. He didn't want to push her. After all, she'd just received life-altering, horrible news. He'd keep things easy, let her set the pace.
She didn't resist his kisses. Her hand traveled along his shoulders and down his arm before landing on his chest. Her lips pressed against his harder. Then she moved away, an infinitesimal distance.