Part 20 (1/2)

A s.h.i.+ver raced through her as he pumped against her, raking his teeth along her neck.

” can always come in later.”


A few seconds later, he let go. She remained against the door, her brow pressed to the gla.s.s as she waited for her breathing to calm. ”You're mean, sometimes, you know that, Marc?”

”Yeah. This isn't news, though,” he said.

She turned around, smoothing her skirt down, and eyed him narrowly. He had an unrepentant look on his face and his eyes all but burned with hunger as he stared at her. As she moved past him, she brushed the back of her hand against the ridge of his c.o.c.k, smiling a little as his breath hissed out of him.

Her smile widened when she saw what he'd driven.

She didn't know enough about cars to know what it was, but it wasn't the sleek, s.e.xy little sports car. Nor was it one of his bikes. No, this was his SUV. Nice. Roomy. With tinted windows. As he opened the door for her, she turned and gave him a guileless smile. ”Do we need to be there at a particular time?”

Marc pushed his hand into her hair, stroking down to her neck absently and ma.s.saging. ”Yeah. But not until dinner. That's at eight.”

”Maybe want to drive up by the lake?”

He lifted a brow and then shrugged.

Smiling at him, she slid into the SUV, clicked her seatbelt.

Once he'd pulled out of the neighborhood where she lived with Shera, Chaili reached over, laid a hand on his thigh. Stroked upward. He hissed out a breath. As she started to stroke him, she closed her eyes.

Marc groaned as she dragged his zipper down.

Parked on the side of the road, his hands gripping her head, he rasped, ”If a cop sees us, we'll be lucky if this doesn't end up on the news.”

”Then you need to watch for cops,” she whispered, opening her lips and taking him into the hot, wet cave of her mouth.

Watch for cops, he thought, half dazed as she licked. Stroked. Sucked. Staring out the window, when he could be looking at her?

A car whizzed by and he jerked his head up, following it with his eyes for a moment and then lowering his gaze to stare at her. She hummed as she sucked on him. Licked. Nibbled at the flared head.

Over and over, working his length deeper, deeper...

He tangled his hand in her hair when she stopped and groaned, arching his hips upward and growling, ”Don't stop there, baby. Take more.”

She lifted her head a little and then slid back down. Slow. Excruciating.

But always stopping just a little short...

”d.a.m.n it, Chaili,” he growled.

She lifted her head, kneeling on the seat, nose to nose with him. Her mouth was red, plump. ”This is my game,” she whispered. ”I'm playing this time.”

Groaning, he slammed his head back against the padded headrest of the seat, certain he was going to die of a heart attack if she kept this up. ”Play it then, before I decided to take the lead.”

”No, it's my game,” she whispered again, as she went back down. Taking him in her mouth again. That amazing, wonderful mouth...

A little faster this time and she wrapped her fingers around the base, stroking. Teasing. Slamming against the door, he stared blindly out the window, arching to meet each movement as his hand cradled the back of her head.

So d.a.m.ned good, so...yeah... ”d.a.m.n it, Chaili, if you stop, I'm going to paddle you, you hear me?” he snarled as he felt the movements of her head slow.

She made another one of those little humming sounds in her throat. And kept moving. Faster. Taking him deeper. ”Yeah, just like...”

Another car sped by. Marc groaned. Shuddered.

She lifted up, slightly, nipped the head of his c.o.c.k and then fell back into her rhythm. Taking him deeper, harder, until she was all but swallowing him with each stroke. Then, as another car went speeding by, she tugged on his b.a.l.l.s, hard.

With a hoa.r.s.e shout, he came.

Chaili sat next to him with a cat's smile on her face, looking about as pleased he'd ever seen her.

He reached over, covered the hand she had on her thigh. ”I'm crazy about you.”

Her gaze swung his way, a startled look in her eyes. Then she grinned, shrugged. ”Well. I'll be sure to give you impromptu more often.”

”Well...” He squinted at her and then looked back at the road. ”I'm not going to argue with that, but that's got nothing to do with it.” He thought about the picture he still carried in his pocket. About the stuff he'd taken from his sister's house. He should let her know he had it.

Just...not yet. He was still adjusting to everything he was feeling about her. Still trying to wrap his head around it, and it was powerful stuff. Very powerful.

Everything else paled in comparison. Everybody else...

Frowning, he thought about earlier. Lily. s.h.i.+t. Was that something he should mention?

Well. Duh. Yes. The answer seemed pretty clear, because he knew if she'd run into that a.s.shole ex of hers, he'd want to know. Yeah, they weren't exactly at the stage where they were talking about a future...

A future.

His brain fuzzed out on him and he realized he was thinking about thoughts he'd never let himself contemplate before.

A future. With Chaili.

Oh. d.a.m.n. He was in trouble. Completely the right kind of trouble, for once. But no way, no how was he prepared for this.

Something they maybe needed to figure out.

A talk for tomorrow. They'd talk about that, he'd let her know about Lily. Because there was no way he was going to mention Lily right after she'd just given him the best b.l.o.w.j.o.b of his life.

From the outside, Blue's place looked like a posh sort of club. Maybe a restaurant or something.

But one had to flash a members.h.i.+p ID to get through the doors, and those members.h.i.+ps weren't cheap. Chaili could remember how much Tim had chucked out for the basic. The basic level got you inside the doors. Tim had made decent money-he was a junior partner at his dad's law firm, thus the need for discretion. But he still hadn't been able to afford anything more than the basic members.h.i.+p and the occasional jaunt to the other floors.

Marc had a higher level. Obviously.

He pulled up at an entrance she hadn't seen and before she could even open the door, somebody else was there doing it for her, a man dressed in black who gave her what looked like a polite little bow.

”Hey, Hank.”