Part 12 (1/2)

Juliet was a fool to kill herself. In three months she'd have married again, and been glad to be quit of Romeo.

CHARLES BUXTON, _Notes of Thought_.

A cornet waltzes, but a colonel weds.

ALFRED AUSTIN, _The Season_.

In the days when Pam retained the wheel, We knew the men with whom we had to deal; Then sucking statesmen seldom failed in seeing The final cause and import of their being.

They dressed; they drove a drag; nor sought to s.h.i.+rk Their portion of the matrimonial work.

They flocked to rout and drum by tens and twelves; Danced every dance, and left their cards themselves, While some obliging senatorial f.a.g Slipped their pet.i.tions in the Speaker's bag.

_Lady Matilda_, in G. O. TREVELYAN's _Ladies in Parliament_.

Monk Lewis was a great favourite at Oatlands.

One day after dinner, as the d.u.c.h.ess was leaving the room, she whispered something in Lewis's ear. He was much affected, his eyes filling with tears.

We asked him what was the matter. ”Oh,” replied Lewis, ”the d.u.c.h.ess spoke so _very_ kindly to me!”

”My dear fellow,” said Colonel Armstrong, ”pray don't cry; I dare say she didn't mean it.”

ROGERS, _Table Talk_.

Sweet is revenge--especially to women.

LORD BYRON, _Don Juan_.

A plain leg of mutton, my Lucy, I prithee get ready at three; Have it smoking and tender and juicy, And what better meat can there be?

And when it has feasted the master, 'Twill amply suffice for the maid; Meanwhile, I will smoke my canaster, And tipple my ale in the shade.


L'amour est comme les maladies epidemiques; plus on les craint, plus on y est expose.

CHAMFORT, _Maximes_.


A fellow that's single, a fine fellow's he; But a fellow that's married's a _felo de se_.

s.h.i.+RLEY BROOKS, _Wit and Humour_.

A brother actor, who had not exactly ”taken the house by storm” at his first appearance in London, very stupidly asked Compton: ”Was my acting good?” ”Well,” was the reply, delivered in his inimitable style, ”hum! ha! _Good_ is not the word!”