Chapter 12: Dont Ogle Me, My Love (1/2)

Near to the community they were living in, there were so many neighbors of many years walking through. Some of them greeted to Su Mo and his mother.

”Go walking, Aunt Su.”

”No, I'm talking with my son about his marriage.”

”Your son has come back? Is he going to get married? With which girl?”

Aunt Su pointed at Xing Biao three steps away, who was holding Su Mo.

”This young man, my son's lover.”

Although the same-s.e.x marriage law had been released in our country, the neighbors were astonished firstly and then laughed.

”Two young men matched with each other. They seem to have a good relations.h.i.+p. Don't forget to invite us to their marriage.”

Several years ago, most people could not understand h.o.m.os.e.xuality. But the same-s.e.x marriage law had been pa.s.sed, and more and more people recognized it. It was freedom of individuals.

They measured Xing Biao and Su Mo with their eyes. They seemed matched with each other. One of them was gentle and the other one seemed honest with some bit of fierce looks. It was good for them to get married.

”Sure. Welcome.”

”Let's drink then.”

Hearing words of the neighbors such as matching with each other and good relations.h.i.+p, Xing Biao was very pleased.

”See? Everyone says we are matched with each other. Don't be hesitating. The date for the marriage has been fixed. Just say yes, and it is beneficial to our relations.h.i.+p.”

”Nothing forcibly done is going to be agreeable. But in fact, it is not. I don't mind you get angry with me. Anyway, I'll get married with you on the 30th day of this month. I'll do it no matter if you agree or not. I'll do it even with some special measures such as robbing or kidnapping.”

Su Mo goggled at him.

”Do not goggle at me like this. Can you keep your eyes opened larger?”