Part 18 (1/2)
”Granduardian by the
”Yes, that's Grandma,” said Bobaday ”But don't you knohere your own pa andthe words ”Mamma
”Yes, dear,” exclaih to know that if she knows anything”
”Let's get her to sing a song,” suggested Bobaday ”If she can re, she can re”
”That papa?” said Carrie, looking at the stranger by the table
”No,” returned aunt Corinne, deigning a glance his way ”That's only a gentleett,” warned aunt Corinne, shooting her whisper behind the curled head, ”don't you go and scare her by sayin' anything about that pig-man”
”Don't you scare her yourself,” returned Robert with a touch of indignation ”You've got her eyes to stickin' out now Sing a pretty tune, Carrie Coe and stood against it, piping directly one of her songs Yet while her tre treble arose, she had a troubled expression, and twisted her fingers about each other
In an instant this expression becae and tried to hide herself behind Bobaday and Corinne
They looked toward the door, and saw standing there the young -headed individual's show
His hands were in his pockets, but he appeared ready to intone forth:
”Walk right in, ladies and gentlemen, and hear Fairy Carrie, the child vocalist!” And the smoky torch was not needed to reveal his satisfaction in standing just where he did
Though the dissipated looking young man only stood at the door apace, he left dis that Carrie be hid Robert Day stood up before the child, frowning and shaking his head
”All the pig-headed folks will be after her,” exclaiht into this room so soon as that fellow tells theett, who had been giving the full strength of her spectacles to the failing light and her knitting, beheld this excitement with disapproval
”You'll have -headed folks are after what? Robert, have you hurt Sissy?”
”Why, Grand into the room?”
”Some person just looked in--person they appear to object to,” said the strangeforward
”Are these your own children, , and tipped her head slightly back to bring the stranger well under her view
”This girl and the boy belong to irl on the lounge?”