Part 19 (1/2)
At last I had found it. I had spent a mournful morning at Ypres seeking out the _procureur du roi_, and I had sought in vain. He was nowhere to be found. Ypres was a city of catacombs, wrapt in a winding-sheet of mortar, fine as dust, which rose in clouds as the German winnowed among the ruins. The German guns had been thres.h.i.+ng the ancient city like flails, beating her out of all recognition, beating her into shapes strange, uncouth, and lamentable. The Cloth Hall was little more than a deserted cloister of ruined arches, and the cathedral presented a spectacle at once tragic and whimsical--the bra.s.s lectern still stood upright in the nave confronting a congregation of overturned chairs as with a gesture of reproof. The sight of those scrambling chairs all huddled together and fallen headlong upon one another had something oddly human about it; it suggested a panic of ghosts. Ypres is an uncanny place.
We returned to Poperinghe, our way choked by a column of French troops, pale, hollow-eyed, their blue uniforms bleached by sun and rain until all the virtue of the dye had run out of them. Before resuming our hunt for the _procureur du roi_--who, we now found, had removed from Ypres to Poperinghe--we entered a restaurant for lunch. It was crowded with French officers, with whom a full-bosomed, broad-hipped Flemish girl exchanged uncouth pleasantries, and it possessed a weird and uncomely boy, who regarded A----, the Staff officer accompanying me, with a hypnotic stare. He peered at him from under drooping eyelids, flanking a nose without a bridge, and my companion didn't like it. ”He is admiring you,” I remarked by way of consolation, as indeed he was. ”What do you call it?” said A---- petulantly to a R.A.M.C. officer who was lunching with us. The latter looked at the boy with a clinical eye.
”Necrosis--syphilitic,” he said dispa.s.sionately. ”And he's handing us the cakes!” A---- exclaimed with horror. ”Fetch me an ounce of civet.”
We declined the cakes, and, having paid our _addition_, hastily departed to resume our quest of the _procureur_.
Eventually we found the legend set out above. It was a placard stuck on the door of a private house. We entered and found ourselves in a kitchen with a stone floor; j.a.panned tin boxes, calf-bound volumes, and fat registers, all stamped with the arms of Belgium, were grouped on the shelves of the dresser. A courteous gentleman, well-groomed and debonair, with waxed moustaches, greeted us. It was the _procureur du roi_. With him was another civilian--the _juge d'instruction_. They politely requested us to take a seat and to excuse a judicial preoccupation. The _juge d'instruction_ was interrogating an inhabitant of Poperinghe. The _procureur_ explained to me that the _prevenu_ (the accused), who was not present but was within the precincts, was charged with _calomnie_[27] under Section 444 of the _Code Penal_. ”But,” I exclaimed in astonishment, ”are you still administering justice?”
”Pourquoi non?” he asked in mild surprise. It was true, he admitted, that his office at Ypres had been destroyed by sh.e.l.l-fire, the _maison d'arret_--in plain English, the prison--was open to the four winds of heaven, and warders and gendarmes had been called up to the colours. But justice must be done and the majesty of the King of the Belgians upheld.
The King's writ still ran, even though its currency might be limited to the few square miles which were all that remained of Belgian territory in Belgian hands. All this he explained to me with such gravity that I felt further questions would be futile, if not impertinent. I therefore held my tongue and determined to follow the proceedings closely, being not a little curious to observe how the judgment would be enforced.
The witness took the oath to say the truth and nothing but the truth (”rien que la verite”), concluding with the solemn invocation, ”Ainsi m'aide Dieu.” The parties had elected to have the proceedings taken in French.
”Your name?” said the judge, as he studied the proces-verbal prepared by the _procureur_.
”Jules F----.”
”Rue d'Ypres 32.”
This preliminary catechism being completed, the prosecutor unfolded his tale. He had been drinking the health of His Majesty the King of the Belgians and confusion to his enemies in an _estaminet_ at the crowded hour of 7 P.M. The accused had entered, and in the presence of many of his neighbours had said to him, ”Vous etes un Bosche.” ”Un Bosche!”
repeated the witness indignantly. ”It is a gross defamation.” With difficulty had he been restrained from the shedding of blood. But, being a law-abiding, peaceful man and the father of a family, he volubly explained, he had laid this information (”denonciation”) before the _procureur du roi_.
The judge looked grave. But he duly noted down the testimony, after some perfunctory cross-examination, and, it being read over to the witness, the judge added ”Lecture faite,” and the persisting witness signed the deposition with his own hand. The prosecutor having retired, two other witnesses, whom he had vouched to warranty, came forward and testified to the same effect. And they also signed their depositions and withdrew.
The magistrate ordered the usher to bring in the accused, who had been summoned to appear by a _mandat d'amener_. He was a stout, dark, convivial-looking soul, with a merry eye, not altogether convinced of the enormity of his delict, and inclined at first to deprecate these proceedings. But the dialectical skill of the magistrate soon tied him into knots, and reduced him to a state of extreme penitence.
”Where were you on the 3rd of April at 7 P.M.?” began the magistrate, making what gunners call a ranging shot. The accused appeared to have been everywhere in Poperinghe except at the _estaminet_. He had been to the butcher's, the baker's, and the candlestick-maker's.
”At what hour did you enter the Cafe a l'Harmonie?”
The accused tried to look as if he now heard of the Cafe ”a l'Harmonie”
for the first time, but under the searching eye of the magistrate he failed. He might, he conceded, have looked in there for a thirsty moment.
”Do you know Jules F----?” the magistrate persisted. The accused grudgingly admitted the existence of such a person. ”Is he a German?”
asked the magistrate pointedly. The accused pondered. ”Would you call him a Bosche?” persisted the magistrate. ”I never _meant_ to call him 'a Bosche,'” the accused said in an unguarded moment. The magistrate pounced on him. He had found the range. After that the result was a foregone conclusion. The duel ended in the accused tearfully admitting he thought he must have been drunk, and throwing himself on the mercy of the magistrate.