Part 60 (1/2)
MARINELLI (_approaches as if he had just entered_).
Ha! fair lady! What misfortune, or rather what good fortune--what fortunate misfortune has procured us the honour----
EMILIA (_astonished_).
How!--You here, my lord!--This then is doubtless your house. Pardon my intrusion. We have been attacked by robbers. Some good people came to our a.s.sistance,--and this honest man took me out of the carriage and conducted me hither. But I am alarmed to find that I alone am rescued.
My mother must be still in danger. I heard pistols fired behind us.
Perhaps she is dead,--and yet I live. Pardon me. I must away, I must return to the place, which I ought not to have left.
Compose yourself, dear lady. All is well. The beloved persons, for whom you feel this tender anxiety, will soon be here.--Run, Battista; they may perhaps not know where the lady is. See whether you can find them in any of the lodges, and conduct them hither instantly.
(_Exit_ Battista.)
Are you sure they are all safe? Has nothing happened to them?--Oh, what a day of terrors has this been to me! But I ought not to remain here; I should hasten to meet them.
Why so, dear lady? You are already breathless and exhausted. Compose yourself, and condescend to step into this room, where you will find better accommodation than here. I feel certain that the Prince has already found your gracious mother, and is escorting her hither.
Who do you say?
Our gracious Prince himself.
EMILIA (_extremely terrified_).
The Prince!
He flew to your a.s.sistance at the first intelligence. He is highly incensed that such a crime should have been committed so near to his villa, nay, almost before his eyes. He has sent in search of the villains, and if they be seized, their punishment will be most severe.
The Prince!--Where am I then?
At Dosalo, the Prince's villa.