Part 22 (1/2)


Former intimacy! I do not wish to be reminded of it. No more of it.

What must be, must, and it matters little how. But one word more about Arabella. You will not let me have her?


No, Marwood!


It is cruel, since you can no longer be her father, to take her mother also from her.


I can still be her father, and will be so.


Prove it, then, now!




Permit Arabella to have the riches which I have in keeping for you, as her father's inheritance. As to her mother's inheritance I wish I could leave her a better one than the shame of having been borne by me.


Do not speak so! I shall provide for Arabella without embarra.s.sing her mother's property. If she wishes to forget me, she must begin by forgetting that she possesses anything from me. I have obligations towards her, and I shall never forget that really--though against her will--she has promoted my happiness. Yes, Marwood, in all seriousness I thank you for betraying our retreat to a father whose ignorance of it alone prevented him from receiving us again.


Do not torture me with grat.i.tude which I never wished to deserve. Sir William is too good an old fool; he must think differently from what I should have thought in his place. I should have forgiven my daughter, but as to her seducer I should have----




True; you yourself are the seducer! I am silent. Shall I be presently allowed to pay my farewell visit to Miss Sampson?


Sara could not be offended, even if you left without seeing her again.