Part 18 (1/2)

Heavens! If she should betray herself!


And why then thoughtful?


I tremble for you both. Could not this unforeseen kindness of your father be a dissimulation? An artifice?


a.s.suredly not, Madam, a.s.suredly not. Only read and you will admit it yourself. Dissimulation is always cold, it is not capable of such tender words. (Marwood _reads_.) Do not grow suspicious, Mellefont, I beg. I pledge myself that my father cannot condescend to an artifice.

He says nothing which he does not think, falseness is a vice unknown to him.


Oh, of that I am thoroughly convinced, dearest Sara! You must pardon Lady Solmes for this suspicion, since she does not know the man whom it concerns.

SARA (_whilst_ Marwood _returns the letter to her_).

What do I see, my lady? You are pale! You tremble! What is the matter with you?

MELLEFONT (_aside_).

What anxiety I suffer? Why did I bring her here?


It is nothing but a slight dizziness, which will pa.s.s over. The night air on my journey must have disagreed with me.


You frighten me! Would you not like to go into the air? You will recover sooner than in a close room.


If you think so, give me your arm!


I will accompany your ladys.h.i.+p!


I beg you will not trouble to do so! My faintness will pa.s.s over immediately.