Part 33 (1/2)

”But Penny?”

”Trust me, Ellie. This is between you and him.”

She looked slightly confused.

”But tomorrow,” I said. ”I want all the gory details, okay?”

She grinned broadly.

”Okay, p.i.s.s off then and see if I care!” she said.

If I had only heard her words I might have been offended, but the excitement and joy that filled her whole body was matched only by the size and breadth of the smile she beamed. With my coat on, I walked over and gave her a big hug.

”Thank you!” she said.

”Youre welcome,” I replied.

As she dialled the number and let it ring, I turned and walked out of the flat. In the distance the sound of an excited young woman could be made out amidst much laughter and giggling. Elona had come alive she was, as she put it, ready to learn 'how to live. As I walked down a flight of stairs into the car park, I realised that this was the first time Id ever been someones heroine. Even as I contemplated my own heroes and heroines Mike, Elaine and John the extent of my impact on Elona was beginning to dawn on me. She had seen me stand up for her against men she felt had hurt her. Even as I chided myself for my judgement, I realised that perhaps this mattered less to her than the example I had set. In her eyes, I had challenged the behaviour of others and shown no fear. She could not see what was going on inside me, only the confidence and bl.u.s.ter that erupted when I was in the grip of moral indignation. I would have to talk to her about that. Some other time.

Perhaps I was able to show her that you could be a woman in your own right, with your own thoughts and feelings, able to make your own judgements even if sometimes they turn out to be flawed and wrong. For me, I had taken from the experience that I had to be more cautious and respectful of others. She was setting out on a b.u.mpy road of that I had no doubt but after several weeks of pain and years of loneliness it was a moment of unfettered joy. She grasped her future with both hands and held on firmly.

Chapter 46.

Mike and I had a quiet evening at my flat watching a DVD. At around 10pm the phone rang. It was Elona again, laughing and shouting that she needed a wage rise.

”Why?” I asked. ”Not just booked a holiday with Phil, have you?”

”I talked so much I ran out of credit. Need a raise to keep my mobile phone topped up.”

”Then how come you are talking to me now?”

I heard her giggle, and then heard something crash in the background.

”What was that? Is there someone with you?”

”Maybe,” she said coyly.

”Faaannnnntttttaaaa.s.sssttttiiiiccccc!” I shouted, and Mike looked at me with a quizzical expression on his face.

”Now dont rush things. Take things slowly,” I started to say.

”I dont think 'slowly is in his vocabulary, Pen!”

”Are you okay?”

”Im on cloud nine! Thank you so much.”

”I did nothing, really.”

Mike got up and walked over to me and I felt his arms move around my stomach. He fondled me gently as I talked some more. Gradually, one of his hands edged up inside my blouse and started to fondle my b.r.e.a.s.t.s while the other stroked my leg, then moved underneath my skirt and played with the elastic of my pants.

”Ive got to go now, Ellie!” I said.


”Because I wont be able to talk soon!”

”Why? Whats wrong?”

”Nothing at all it is just that right at this moment there is someones hand gently playing with my.....oooohhh.....left nipple, while the other.......aaahhhh......has just gone down inside my pants.”

Mike whispered in my ear ”Keep talking”.

”What?” I replied. Elona thought I was talking to her and asked again what was wrong.

”Keep talking,” whispered Mike a second time.

”Ellie? I have a man here who is dying ..........” I had to pause for a second as his finger touched a spot that took my breath away, ” have s.e.x with me while I talk on the phone to you.......”

I heard a round of giggling as Elona repeated my words to Phil. A few moments later, her level of laughter increased and I heard her shriek.

”Me too!” she said when she finally came back to the phone.

”Better finish.....this.........conversation.........Oh G.o.d!........”

Mike had knelt down on the floor, lifted me onto the table, pulled down my knickers and buried his head between my legs.

”........tomorrow.......Ive go.....bye Ellie!”

I put the phone down and spread my legs wide. He was dying for me. Right there in the hall Mike nibbled the folds of my flesh while two fingers eased their way in. I imagined what might be happening to Elona, that Phils strong body had moved between Elona legs. I tried to imagine Elonas excitement as she trembled in antic.i.p.ation of her first f.u.c.k. As Mike pleasured me between my legs, I pictured Phil ripping open Elonas blouse, then picking her up and carrying her to bed.

In my minds eye, I watched him as he spread her legs and climbed between them. His strong muscular b.u.t.tocks thrust into her with each movement of Mikes fingers inside me. Just as I started to wonder whether it was pure wickedness to picture Phil as Mike brought me off, waves of pleasure started to glide up through my body. I arched back and focussed my thoughts on the feeling of Mikes tongue while picturing Phil between Elonas legs. The surge continued and built, and I surfed towards heaven, my breath shortening, my eyes closed, until the nerve ends all pulsated simultaneously and I convulsed struggling to catch my breath.

As I lay there, moaning, Mikes lips made their way up the front of my body gently kissing the b.r.e.a.s.t.s that I had exposed, until I felt his breath on my face. He tried to kiss me but I pulled away.

”How do you do that?” I said.

”Do what?” he asked.

”How dyou make me feel like that?”