Part 30 (1/2)

”Yes we are. By the way, John, how is Sally?”

”Sally?” asked Dave, as John proceeded to respond.

”Oh shes great. Were enjoying ourselves - I wish I could stay longer but Im needed back at home.”

”Sally at work? Do you know Sally?”

”Yes known her for years,” answered John.

”She never mentioned you to me,” replied Dave.

”John is staying at Sallys while he works for us. Didnt you know?” I said.

”No,” said Dave. ”Small world, isnt it?” he added, totally engaged by this discovery.

”By the way, Penny,” asked John. ”Do you and Mike want to come over for dinner on Sunday night?”

My blood ran cold. By asking John about Sally it invited John to ask me about Mike. Before I could answer, Dave intervened.

”You and Mike?” he asked.


”And when did this happen?” he asked, piecing things together in his head.

”Just recently hardly got used to the idea myself!” I said pretending joy while my mind was turning to clay.

”Before or after you arranged the flat for him?” Dave asked with disdain.

John looked at me, slightly embarra.s.sed and mouthed the word 'sorry.

”After!” I said firmly.

”Just as well,” said Dave cynically.

John made another intervention.

”Well!” he started. ”Perhaps the two of you could explain to me what the f.u.c.k is going on?”

Both Dave and I looked at John with a start.

”What?” said Dave.

”Its a simple question,” responded John. ”The two of you are antagonising each other. Why?”

”Its complicated,” I said, trying to diffuse the situation.

”Not complicated at all,” said Dave. ”Im fed up working with this tart.”

Dave turned and left before I could answer. I was about to go after him and make him apologise but John stopped me.

”Id like to fry his a.r.s.e!” I shouted. A few people near us picked up my tone and turned to look.

”There are better ways to do it, Penny!” said John trying to calm me down.

”That.....that.....pig is going to do my appraisal in three weeks!”

”Then youve got to use this,” he said pointing at my head, ”as well as this,” he said with his hand on his heart.

”f.u.c.k him! w.a.n.ker!”

”I hope so,” quipped John, ”because if hes not we really have a problem.”

It took me a moment to get the joke.

”Why dont we circulate for a bit and then slip out? If Dave comes anywhere near you, then find me.”

”My knight in s.h.i.+ning armour?” I queried.

”No. If he starts a fight with you, I want to be there to watch you beat the s.h.i.+t out of him!”

”And you the mediator?” I asked, my sense of humour returning.

”Only as a first resort!” he responded.

John moved closer and whispered in my ear.

”Be careful. Youve not been employed for a year yet.”

”s.h.i.+t! Youre right.”

”Youll need friends for this one, Penny. Hows Mike going to take this?” he asked.

”Ill call him later. I want to go home.”

”Id take you but Ive been drinking gin all evening.....” he joked.

”d.a.m.n,” I said before I saw his grin.

”Im probably the only sober person in the room,” he corrected. I never drink before a talk so if you want to go home, I can take you.”

”Thank you. Youre a sweetie.”