Part 24 (1/2)
”You, on the other hand....,” I said conjuring up the s.e.xiest look I could muster, ”...are the most difficult, stubborn...and surprising person Ive ever met. And one more thing...”
I held up both hands to stop them interrupting.
”You make me want to be bad again!”
When I said this, Sallys giggles subsided and it was John who creased up with laughter. He roared and clapped. Sally, despite her feelings, started to join in too. Mike, on the other hand, grinned to himself contentedly. Then, he got up, came over and gave me a hug.
”You make me want to be bad too!” he whispered in my ear.
And then he pulled away, walking backward, and kept his eyes on me while he sat down in his chair. I knew. In that moment, I knew. If I had thought that John had helped me to feel again, it was nothing compared with the tidal wave that engulfed my being on hearing these words. Suddenly all the other sounds in the room seemed to go silent and every fibre and nerve-ending in my body was focussed on Mikes eyes and mouth. A few moments later I felt a tingle rush through my body and I had to shut my eyes and wait until it pa.s.sed. It was the most exquisite feeling I had ever known, better than any o.r.g.a.s.m, better than any drug. Was this love? Was this l.u.s.t? In that moment I was touched by my own humanity. This was living. I blew Mike a kiss then sat down. A modest contented grin was etched onto his face and we both knew what was going to happen. There was not a force in the world that was going to stop it.
It took me a few moments to notice that Sally had climbed onto Johns knee and was kissing his forehead.
”As for this one,” she started to say, ”hes been a bad boy a few times, havent you my dear?”
Now it was my turn to crease up with laughter. I pointed at John and shouted at him.
”You sly old dog, you! And there was me thinking you were a devoted and loyal husband!”
”You are mixing me up with Mike!” he said.
Mike raised his gla.s.s to John in appreciation but when I glanced at Mike, and he glanced back, the thought ran through my mind that his loyalty was coming to an end.
”Sally?” I quizzed.
Sally looked at me. She did not need to say anything. She and John were lovers.
”John! How long has this been going on?”
He looked at me half-embarra.s.sed.
”How else do you think I got to know all the stuff that was going on in his life?” he quipped firing a glance at Mike.
”But I thought he told you?” I responded.
”Hes too d.a.m.n loyal for his own good,” answered John. ”He was so loyal to this sweet woman that he nearly destroyed his marriage. Then he was so loyal to Elona that he nearly destroyed his career.”
I was laughing again. All my inhibitions regarding John vanished. Suddenly his resistance made sense. It was not only his family that he was protecting; it was Sally. He was not the paragon of virtue I had believed him to be.
”And there was I thinking that you are a family man,” I joked.
”He is, darling,” said Sally. ”Hes frustratingly devoted to his wife and children.”
I remembered the recent phone call.
”You told her, didnt you?”
”Yes, and you called me right in the middle of it! She thought you were Sally and started wrecking the house. Thats why I had to go.”
”Why did you tell her?”
”I wanted to stay at Sallys while working on this contract.”
I got up from my chair, offered my hand to John, and asked Sally if I could borrow him for a minute. She consented, so I grabbed him and led him roughly across the living room and out of the flat. Whether it was the drink, the situation, or the knowledge that he was weak with women, I was not going to waste this moment.
”Right you!” I said. ”This is the one and only chance you will ever get to kiss me because by midnight tonight Im going to be off the market.”
As I said these words, I pressed myself up against him, put my hands around his b.u.t.tocks and pulled him close.
”You have no idea....,” he said.
”Oh yes I have...,” I replied.
Our lips met, gently parted, and our tongues touched. As my hand slipped under his s.h.i.+rt and felt his strong body, his hands clutched my behind. We pulled each other close and snogged until we both sensed that enough was enough.
”One day soon,” I said to him, ”I want to talk about this. You must have known how much I wanted you. Why did you resist me?”
He looked at me and draped his arms around my neck.
”Sally is not the only woman that Ive given in to - there has been one other. But with you, it was different somehow. Being with you was enough.”
I stroked his face. He did not have to explain how he felt. Just being with him had been enough for me too.
”I love you, John,” I said. ”Thats what I thank you for the most. You are the first man, after my father, that Ive not been afraid to love. If you 'saved me, thats how you did it. You made it possible for me to love again.”
”And I love you too, Penny. Youre the first woman Ive not had to sleep with to keep interested. With others, if they thought I was not intending to sleep with them, they would lose interest. You liked me from the moment we met, even after I told you I wouldnt make a pa.s.s at you. That made you special. Very special.”
”What about Sally?”
”If Id not slept with Sally, Id have lost her. Im fond of her and she was in a state after Mike returned to his wife. She was, not surprisingly, very needy. I was there, Mike was gone. That was the price of continued friends.h.i.+p.”
”Shes certainly a looker,” I said.
”Yes, but its not that. It was hard for her to leave her husband. I was part of her recovery, I think.”
I nodded as I spoke.
”You look after her and Ill look after you.”
He laughed and held hands.
”You have yourself a deal, Penny Leyton.”
”How are things with your wife?”