Part 15 (2/2)

With that last comment, he rang off. Whenever anybody says ”try not to worry” it is sure to make you worry even more. He did not answer my question about his wife and I wondered whether something might have happened between them. But then I remembered that he said it was nothing to do with him. What then?

”Did he say anything to you?” I asked Phil.

”About what?”

”Did he say what he wanted to talk about?”

”No. He was just very insistent that he talk to you immediately. Very pushy guy, if you ask me.”

I thought for a moment.

”Yeah. Hes a pushy guy alright.” In my head I added a few extra words that Phil did not hear. ”Thats what I love about him.”

Chapter 24.

I took the contracts around to Daves office and he ran through his presentation. I took notes and stopped him after each section to give him feedback. He ran through the section again until I gave him a thumbs up and we continued this process until late morning. We dont do many major product launches so Dave was putting in extra effort. His belief in this entrepreneur and his innovations was high so he was making a career gamble by investing in a lavish public relations event. After working through the contracts, we agreed a few minor changes for his afternoon meeting.

”Do you have to rush off?” he asked.

”No. Something on your mind?” I enquired.

Dave is rarely hesitant, and for him to pause for any length of time before giving an answer was quite strange.

”Yeeaah!” he finally said slowly.

”Well, come on then. Tell aunty Penny....” I was beginning to get used to the idea that I was going to be an aunty twice over.

”Do you remember I said my wife was ill?

I vaguely recollected him saying something, but I responded with more confidence than I felt.

”Of course! Is she not better?”

Dave did not show any emotion. It was almost like he was a blank, looking straight into my eyes in a way that Id never seen before. He licked his lips and I could tell that he was slightly nervous so I walked up to him and touched his arm.

”Come on, Dave. If theres something, you can tell me!”

He looked into my eyes again. There was fear in them. I had never seen him like this before. He licked his lips again. Finally, he spoke.

”Shes dying!”

This news had a deep and lasting impact on me. I held his left arm in my right hand and then placed my left hand on his shoulder. He didnt say anything either, just tilted his head until it rested on my hand and closed his eyes. He was in pain and I let go of his arms and put my hand on his cheek and stroked it.

”Have you told anyone?”

”No. Youre the first person Ive told.”

Id worked with Dave for 10 months and this was by far the most human moment that we had shared.

”Family? Have you told them?”

”Ill do that later today. Shes not been well for a while, and shes been back and forth to the doctor. I took her into hospital this weekend because her headaches were so painful that she could not sleep. Theyve done a scan and found a tumour. Its advanced. They dont think sh.e.l.l survive more than a few months.

”Oh Dave! Im so sorry. Come here.”

I put his head on my shoulder and my arms around him. Dave had a lot of energy but deep down he was a gentle soul. As I held him I could feel his heart breaking and the gentle movement of someone crying. We stood there for many minutes before he slowly pulled away and without looking at me said ”thank you”. He turned slowly and left the room.

Sometimes you work with a person for a while and simply do not realise the bonds that are forming. I was sad for the rest of the day, and in the evening when I was on my own I felt acutely distressed. Deep down a pain formed inside me that actually hurt. My friend Dave should not have to bear this so young. It was unnatural, cruel and so unfair. He was a bit older than me, but not by much. I found myself struggling to get to sleep as the silent anger I felt kept me awake. There was no G.o.d if this could happen. I had not realised I cared about him and it came as a surprise. As I lay there - thinking of him sitting with his wife at the hospital - I decided he needed a friend. He needed someone to care about him. It was my time, my moment to face someone elses pain and not shrink from the thankless task of helping him through it.

Chapter 25.

When Wednesday came, I had no idea what was in store for me. I had taken extra care getting dressed because I wanted to look good for my lunch date with John. In the afternoon, I was due to meet Mike and Nathan for a showdown. In the evening was Daves product launch.

I strode into work feeling smart and confident. When Phil saw me, he raised his eyebrows.

”Doing something special today?” he asked.

”Got the launch event tonight and have no time to go home,” I lied. But it was a good lie, I thought.

”That young entrepreneur will think hes died and gone to heaven!”

For Phil to pay me a compliment was so unexpected that I actually stopped in my tracks. I looked at him with new eyes.

”Thats very sweet of you,” I said, smiling.

He looked a little embarra.s.sed, as if he had said more than he meant to, but with a small shuffle of his feet and with his eyes slightly lowered, a few words came out.
