Part 7 (1/2)

C. England has never suggested annexation.

D. England has shut out the interference of France and other European nations.

E. England has practically ruled Egypt as a dependency.

III. The following facts are agreed upon:--

A. Some nation had to take charge of Egypt, for

1. The country was heavily in debt.

2. The people were starving.

B. It is for the advantage of England to retain control of the country.

IV. The conflicting arguments on the question are as follows:--

A. Those who favor the control of Egypt by England have certain beliefs:--

1. They believe that the control of Egypt by England is the only practical solution of the problem.

2. They believe that the present status of affairs is beneficial to Egypt and to the whole world.

B. Those opposed to the control of Egypt by England maintain the following:--

1. They maintain that England rules in a selfish manner.

2. They maintain that Turkey and not England should have control of Egypt.

V. From this conflict of opinion it appears that the points to be determined are:--

A. Is Egypt benefited by the control of England?

B. Is the suzerainty of England over Egypt the only practical solution of the problem?

C. Is the control of Egypt by England a benefit to the whole world?

VI. The negative will attempt to prove that England should not permanently retain Egypt for the following reasons:

A. English control is harmful to Egypt.

B. English control is not the only solution to the Egyptian problem.

C. English control is harmful to other nations.


_Resolved_, That the President of the United States should be elected by direct popular vote.