Part 32 (1/2)
”f.u.c.k you, Shane.” Right away I felt bad about saying ”f.u.c.k” in front of Andrew, but, Jesus, I never let my own father tell me who not to sleep with. I'd be d.a.m.ned if I'd listen to an old, fat cripple. I hadn't even considered encouraging the hairy man's affections until Shane told me not to. Before that he was just another cute guy like you see across a parking lot somewhere and waste five seconds on in fantasy. But one more crack from Shane and I'd have switched vehicles.
Shane knew it, too. As I glared at him he set down his, dug around for that stupid knife of his, and busily went into tr.i.m.m.i.n.g his toenails. Brad stared at me as if I might bolt. Everyone else pretended to ignore me the way you pretend to ignore a horse who may or may not be fixing to kick the tar out of you.
I looked from Shane to Lloyd to the man in the truck. He acknowledged my look without a smile. Keeping my eyes burning on his, I brought Injun Joe to my mouth and drank.
One spring morning when I was thirteen and five months pregnant, Sam Callahan and I rode our bikes from town up to the TM ranch. Estelle had just foaled and Dad let me name the colt, so I named her Dad, kind of like Brad naming the kitten Merle.
Sam and I played around Miner Creek a couple hours, then I told him it was time to break our secret to Dad and he should ride home alone, that I would be along later. As I walked across the west pasture my stomach got all tight and nervous. Telling your father you're pregnant must be the high-stress moment of a girl's teenage years.
I found Buddy-Dad-in the kitchen cleaning up after his lunch. One plate, one coffee cup, and one fork sat in the drainer. Dad was wiping his hands on a towel, looking out the window toward the horses when I told him I was pregnant. At first, I didn't think he heard, so I repeated it.
”Dad, I'm going to have a baby.”
He turned and walked to the table, where he sat in one of the straight-backed chairs. With that beard, you never could tell what he was thinking.
”What do you want from me?” he asked.
I moved forward a half step. ”I was hoping you'd hold me and tell me it's going to be okay.”
He exhaled so sharply the hairs on his upper lip jumped. ”Is it that kid from this morning?”
For the first time I could remember, Dad's posture made him appear tired. ”Guess I'll have to whip him.”
”It's not Sam's fault. I made him do it.” Dad looked at the linoleum on the table while I gave him a two-minute summary of the last year and how I came to this point. I left out the near abortion.
After I stopped talking we slipped into a long silence. Dad looked at the table; I looked at his hands on his legs. The right thumbnail was dark purple. Some blood or placenta or something stuck to his left wrist. The whole time he sat and I stood, neither of his hands moved a muscle.
Dad's throat finally rumbled and he spoke. ”Does your mother know?”
”I think so.”
He looked back out the window. ”I never thought I'd raise a child to grow up a s.l.u.t.”
I lost my breath. ”Daddy.”
He turned and looked directly at me. He said, ”You are a wh.o.r.e, Maurey. I'm ashamed to call you daughter.”
The far side of Chattanooga Lloyd announced we needed gas, although I don't know how he knew since the gas gauge and mileage doogie were both broken. I guess after Lloyd lost his wife, then his bottle, he'd bonded with his car. You have to bond with something.
The rest of us waited in near darkness in the parking lot of Junior's Truck Stop and Cafe while he went inside to negotiate. I'm not a good waiter, especially when I've been drinking. I get antsy and need to take action-any action. I'd rather take the wrong action than piddle my time away waiting for something to happen.
Andrew was whiny and Shane was back on his harmonica. He'd played the Elvis medley all day to the point where I was dangerously close to fed up. I offered to hold Hugo Jr., but Marcella said, ”No, thanks.” She knew I'd been drinking. People treat me different when I've been drinking, even when I act the same.
Lloyd finally came back to say he'd traded three cases of Coors for a tank of gas and six chicken-fried steaks with soup or salad and potatoes.
”I don't feel an affinity for chicken-fried steak,” Shane said.
Andrew threw a D-volt battery against the ambulance wall. ”I hate chicken-fry steak.”
”I'll eat yours,” Brad said.
Andrew broke down in tears. ”He's stealing my supper.” Typical outing with the Moby d.i.c.k gang.
The first door we tried was too narrow for Shane's chair, so we had to go way the h.e.l.l and back around by the diesel pumps to get him inside. Whoever builds buildings is prejudiced against people with fixed dimensions.
As we turned Shane around to yank him up the double steps, he nodded in the direction of the Trucker's Only overnight lot. ”Speaking of the devil.”
”What devil?” Brad asked.
I knew before I looked, it was the off-yellow pickup camper. I didn't say anything. This dude showing up all the time was a little eerie, and partway through my afternoon drinking bout I'd decided not to nail him just to spite Shane. He was probably okay and wondering why we were following him, but I'd been nailed by enough weirdos not to take chances. No more sleeping with non-friends.
”Freedom's Dallas connection drives a truck like that,” Brad said.
Shane said, ”Wouldn't surprise me if he keeps a corpse in the camper.” I fought the urge to push Shane off the steps.
At the booth Brad and Andrew spat over who got to sit on the inside by the jukebox wheel. I traded sides with Andrew, and Marcella moved to the aisle so both of them could be on the wall, but that hacked off Andrew because he hated sitting next to his mother. Life with kids is complicated. I decided to hole up in the John until the group sorted out seating arrangements.
”Order me coffee,” I said as I slid out the booth.
”Can your system take it?” Shane asked.
In the bathroom I did the mirror routine again. Gruesome, but not terminal. I didn't look all that drunk. The bruise on my arm was turning brackish purple outlined by lime green. Otherwise, my eyes were semi-clear and my hair combed, sort of. Considering all I'd been through, Shane had no right to give me guff. The t.u.r.d. Wasn't a thing wrong with me a three-day nap wouldn't fix.
I tried to add up the days. Mother's Day, then Monday when they stole my Auburn. I was unconscious till Friday and left GroVont Monday night. Since then, there'd been two showers, one in Amarillo and one in Memphis. That made today Wednesday, but I didn't think so. Somewhere I'd miscounted.
”What day is this?” I asked back at the booth. Lloyd had finished ga.s.sing up and was plopped down in my place. I had to scoot in with Marcella, Hugo Jr., and Andrew.
”See that fellow behind the cash register?” Lloyd asked. I turned to look at an angular midlevel-management type in a blue suit and white tie with a pitch-black dress s.h.i.+rt. His neck had a bad rash spreading up from the collar. Lloyd continued, ”That's the s.h.i.+ft manager I traded the Coors with. How long has he been on the phone?”
Brad said, ””
I thought he was kidding. Coming back from the can, I'd upped my guess to Thursday, possibly even Friday, but
”Are you sure?” I asked.