Part 21 (1/2)
the other, who had been ”most lamentably handled” by disease, recovered almost entirely ”by the very wholesomeness of the air, altering, digesting, and drying up the cold and crude humors of the body.”
Wherefore, he thinks it a wise course for all cold complexions to come to take physic in New England, and ends with those often quoted words, that ”a sup of New England's air is better than a whole draught of Old England's ale.” Mr. Higginson died, however, ”of a hectic fever,” a little more than a year after his arrival.
The medical records which I shall cite show that the colonists were not exempt from the complaints of the Old World. Besides the common diseases to which their descendants are subject, there were two others, to say nothing of the dreaded small-pox, which later medical science has disarmed,--little known among us at the present day, but frequent among the first settlers. The first of these was the scurvy, already mentioned, of which Winthrop speaks in 1630, saying, that it proved fatal to those who fell into discontent, and lingered after their former conditions in England; the poor homesick creatures in fact, whom we so forget in our florid pictures of the early times of the little band in the wilderness. Many who were suffering from scurvy got well when the Lyon arrived from England, bringing store of juice of lemons. The Governor speaks of another case in 1644; and it seems probable that the disease was not of rare occurrence.
The other complaint from which they suffered, but which has nearly disappeared from among us, was intermittent fever, or fever and ague.
I investigated the question as to the prevalence of this disease in New England, in a dissertation, which was published in a volume with other papers, in the year 1838. I can add little to the facts there recorded.
One which escaped me was, that Joshua Scottow, in ”Old Men's Tears,”
dated 1691, speaks of ”shaking agues,” as among the trials to which they had been subjected. The outline map of New England, accompanying the dissertation above referred to, indicates all the places where I had evidence that the disease had originated. It was plain enough that it used to be known in many localities where it has long ceased to be feared. Still it was and is remarkable to see what a clean bill of health in this particular respect our barren soil inherited with its sterility. There are some malarious spots on the edge of Lake Champlain, and there have been some temporary centres of malaria, within the memory of man, on one or more of our Ma.s.sachusetts rivers, but these are harmless enough, for the most part, unless the millers dam them, when they are apt to retaliate with a whiff from their meadows, that sets the whole neighborhood shaking with fever and ague.
The Pilgrims of the Mayflower had with them a good physician, a man of standing, a deacon of their church, one whom they loved and trusted, Dr.
Samuel Fuller. But no medical skill could keep cold and hunger and bad food, and, probably enough, desperate homesickness in some of the feebler sort, from doing their work. No detailed record remains of what they suffered or what was attempted for their relief during the first sad winter. The graves of those who died were levelled and sowed with grain that the losses of the little band might not be suspected by the savage tenants of the wilderness, and their story remains untold.
Of Dr. Fuller's practice, at a later period, we have an account in a letter of his to Governor Bradford, dated June, 1630. ”I have been to Matapan” (now Dorchester), he says, ”and let some twenty of those people blood.” Such wholesale depletion as this, except with avowed homicidal intent, is quite unknown in these days; though I once saw the noted French surgeon, Lisfranc, in a fine phlebotomizing frenzy, order some ten or fifteen patients, taken almost indiscriminately, to be bled in a single morning.
Dr. Fuller's two visits to Salem, at the request of Governor Endicott, seem to have been very satisfactory to that gentleman. Morton, the wild fellow of Merry Mount, gives a rather questionable reason for the Governor's being so well pleased with the physician's doings. The names under which he mentions the two personages, it will be seen, are not intended to be complimentary. ”Dr. Noddy did a great cure for Captain Littleworth. He cured him of a disease called a wife.” William Gager, who came out with Winthrop, is spoken of as ”a right G.o.dly man and skilful chyrurgeon, but died of a malignant fever not very long after his arrival.”
Two pract.i.tioners of the ancient town of Newbury are ent.i.tled to special notice, for different reasons. The first is Dr. John Clark, who is said by tradition to have been the first regularly educated physician who resided in New England. His portrait, in close-fitting skull-cap, with long locks and venerable flowing beard, is familiar to our eyes on the wall of our Society's antechamber. His left hand rests upon a skull, his right hand holds an instrument which deserves a pa.s.sing comment. It is a trephine, a surgical implement for cutting round pieces out of broken skulls, so as to get at the fragments which have been driven in, and lift them up. It has a handle like that of a gimlet, with a claw like a hammer, to lift with, I suppose, which last contrivance I do not see figured in my books. But the point I refer to is this: the old instrument, the trepan, had a handle like a wimble, what we call a brace or bit-stock. The trephine is not mentioned at all in Peter Lowe's book, London, 1634; nor in Wiseman's great work on Surgery, London, 1676; nor in the translation of Dionis, published by Jacob Tonson, in 1710. In fact it was only brought into more general use by Cheselden and Sharpe so late as the beginning of the last century. As John Clark died in 1661, it is remarkable to see the last fas.h.i.+on in the way of skull-sawing contrivances in his hands,--to say nothing of the claw on the handle, and a Hey's saw, so called in England, lying on the table by him, and painted there more than a hundred years before Hey was born.
This saw is an old invention, perhaps as old as Hippocrates, and may be seen figured in the ”Armamentarium Chirurgic.u.m” of Scultetus, or in the Works of Ambroise Pare.
Dr. Clark is said to have received a diploma before he came, for skill in lithotomy. He loved horses, as a good many doctors do, and left a good property, as they all ought to do. His grave and n.o.ble presence, with the few facts concerning him, told with more or less traditional authority, give us the feeling that the people of Newbury, and afterwards of Boston, had a wise and skilful medical adviser and surgeon in Dr. John Clark.
The venerable town of Newbury had another physician who was less fortunate. The following is a court record of 1652:
”This is to certify whom it may concern, that we the subscribers, being called upon to testify against doctor William Snelling for words by him uttered, affirm that being in way of merry discourse, a health being drank to all friends, he answered,
”I'll pledge my friends, And for my foes A plague for their heels And,'----
[a similar malediction on the other extremity of their feet.]
”Since when he hath affirmed that he only intended the proverb used in the west country, nor do we believe he intended otherwise.
”March 12th 1651, All which I acknowledge, and am sorry I did not expresse my intent, or that I was so weak as to use so foolish a proverb.
Notwithstanding this confession and apology, the record tells us that ”William Snelling in his presentment for cursing is fined ten s.h.i.+llings and the fees of court.”
I will mention one other name among those of the Fathers of the medical profession in New England. The ”apostle” Eliot says, writing in 1647, ”We never had but one anatomy in the country, which Mr. Giles Firman, now in England, did make and read upon very well.”
Giles Firmin, as the name is commonly spelled, practised physic in this country for a time. He seems to have found it a poor business; for, in a letter to Governor Winthrop, he says, ”I am strongly sett upon to studye divinitie: my studyes else must be lost, for physick is but a meene helpe.”
Giles Firmin's Lectures on Anatomy were the first scientific teachings of the New World. While the Fathers were enlightened enough to permit such instructions, they were severe in dealing with quackery; for, in 1631, our court records show that one Nicholas Knopp, or Knapp, was sentenced to be fined or whipped ”for taking upon him to cure the scurvey by a water of noe worth nor value, which he solde att a very deare rate.” Empty purses or sore backs would be common with us to-day if such a rule were enforced.
Besides the few worthies spoken of, and others whose names I have not s.p.a.ce to record, we must remember that there were many clergymen who took charge of the bodies as well as the souls of their patients, among them two Presidents of Harvard College, Charles Chauncy and Leonard h.o.a.r,--and Thomas Thacher, first minister of the ”Old South,” author of the earliest medical treatises printed in the country,[A Brief Rule to Guide the Common People in Small pox and Measles. 1674.] whose epitaph in Latin and Greek, said to have been written by Eleazer, an ”Indian Youth” and a member of the Senior Cla.s.s of Harvard College, may be found in the ”Magnalia.” I miss this n.o.ble savage's name in our triennial catalogue; and as there is many a slip between the cup and lip, one is tempted to guess that he may have lost his degree by some display of his native instinct,--possibly a flourish of the tomahawk or scalping-knife.