Part 8 (1/2)

Now, approaching the elm, again he felt that thrill which the spot had for him, and came peering, at slower pace: no sound but the gibbering rout of the stiff-stark beech-leaves. Some steps more, and now he was at the mound which surrounds the tree: stood, listened: silence, sightlessness: Margaret not there.

One more forward step: and now his foot struck a body.

As he stooped, his hand touched a revolver--which was his own; another moment, and he saw running lanterns borne by two park-keepers, and by their light saw the body of Isaac, who but now had shot himself with the weapon that was in Hogarth's hand.

The park-keepers had just been urged by their master to the spot, he having, he told them, heard a pistol-shot; and before anyone could speak Frankl himself was there, defiled with the presence of the dead.

He looked from Hogarth to the corpse, and from the corpse to Hogarth, then, s.n.a.t.c.hing the weapon from Hogarth's hand, exclaimed: ”Why, bless my heart, you've _murdered_ the man....”



In a cottage in Thring Street, marked ”E. Norfolk, E. 58, Constabulary”, Hogarth pa.s.sed the night, having been arrested the moment he returned home from the elm.

A few minutes afterwards Margaret, who had found no Frankl at the towing-path, came home to the ghastliest amazement throughout Thring, so that sleep overcame the village only toward morning.

At 7.30 A.M. Hogarth was marched to Beccles, then after an inquest-verdict appeared before the magistrates' court, and was committed.

One of the witnesses in the summary-jurisdiction court had been Loveday, who had deposed that Hogarth, on leaving the chapel, was, beyond doubt, in a pa.s.sion; and mixed with the crowd was Margaret, who, standing thickly veiled, heard that evidence. And thought she: ”Is it possible that he can be giving evidence against Richard like that? And smiling, the mean, false thing--”

She had disappeared on the morning after the arrest: and Loveday was now racked by disquiet, wondering how she was living, though she and he were in the same train, unconscious of each other, when he followed Hogarth to Norwich; and, as Margaret stepped upon the Thorpe platform there, a Jew, who was watching the arrival of every train, spied and shadowed her to the old Maid's Head, this intricate city being now crowded, the a.s.sizes all in the air, mixed with the cattle-market.

At ten the next morning Margaret learned at the Guildhall the address of her brother's defending solicitor, and set out to find him, the wretchedest woman on earth now.

But as she pa.s.sed by the archway in the tower of St. Peter Mancroft, Loveday stood before her; and she started like a shying horse.

”Good morning”--she went on past him.

He took two steps after her. ”Are you in a hurry? Can I come with you?”

”It is quite near. Thank you--I'd liefer go alone”.

He, a delicate being, all nerves, was repelled; lifted the old cloth hat; but then again stepped after her, saying: ”But are you angry with me for something?”

”Why should I be? I have no right to expect anything from you, Mr.


”No right? You _have_, a little, I fancy!”

He said it at her ear with such a lowering of the eyelids, that it pierced to her fond heart, and she smiled with a ”H'm!” uncertain, half turned to him; but said: ”I must be getting on--”

”But it is most important that I should talk to you about everything.

Where are you staying?”

”It is some distance from here”, she answered, undecided whether or not to give her address.