Chapter 1051 - Your Chances Have Increased Greatly (1/1)
Chapter 1051: Your Chances Have Increased Greatly
“You have important news to report to your superior?” The equan looked at hi, why didn’t you quan replied calmly, “I didn’t know the i about it When I saw the newspaper headlines today, I finally realized that I could haveto atone for ood deeds”
“What information?” The employee squinted and refused tobased on only Hong Kangquan’s word
“Here” Hong Kangquan pointed to the reposted major American headlines in the newspaper “The Aht knohere to find the ‘Pink Piggy'”
“Really?!” The equan really knehere to find the ‘Pink Piggy,’ then it would really be an io inform my superior” The equan shook his head “Call Prime Minister Tan I will only tell hi was only the interim prime minister at this time The Senate had atte to the law, the Senate was required to undergo even ent procedures if they wanted to try to iain There was co had no option of iain, he chose to dissolve the Cabinet and restart the interieneral interian and the new pri was still the interim prime minister and his Cabinet was still the interi the transition period as they awaited the new pri still wielded quite a bit of power Of course, it was still much less than when he was the official pri’s ier suitable for the role of prime minister, so he didn’t want him to attend any national-level events He didn’t want others to see Tan Dongbang eal perspective, Tan Dongbang’s position as the interiquan insisted on seeing Tang Dongbang, but the eht about it and still chose to call the Senate first But at thatwere frantically arranging the i the Gerence Service, so they didn’t have spare ti over Hong Kangquan was intercepted only after connecting to a phone operator at the Senate Secretariat The equan saw that neither Speaker Long nor Special assistant Zhuang had time to take his calls, but he couldn’t carelessly spread news about such important information, either He had no choice but to leave a voice to call him back when he had a chance
Afterwards, he finally followed Tan Dongbang’s request and called Pri happened to be in his office, so he took the call hi immediately stood up as soon as he heard the egy””What?! Is he telling the truth?!”
“Director Hong says it’s coquan now, since he had a chance of redee considered it and asked suspiciously, “Why is he asking for y'”
The equan Hong Kangquan secretly cursed Tan Dongbang for not knoas good for him but still replied patiently, “Ask Prime Minister Tan to co i didn’t want to get involved in theby a thread, he still chose to ga it? This kind of thing had indeed happened before
Tan Dongbang thought about this as he packed his briefcase and asked his e Kangquan was being held to visit hi was the syreat power The eulations but finally had no choice but to let Tan Dongbang inside
When he arrived at the visitation roo there He sat across fro, you’d better actually have so to say to quan nodded “Pri as you support y,’ your role as prie from interi’s expression changed iquan, don’t speak nonsense!” His heart haquan would rebuke him and tell him he had a way to allow hihed loudly when he saw Tan Dongbang’s reaction “Priivenonsense”
Tan Dongbang’s expression shi+fted for a long tiquan, “What opportunity do you need from me?”
“Use your special authority as priive o to the Special Operations Forces to find the 27 personnel involved in the cyber war that night and bring thequan’s eyes revealed his bloodthirsty excitement
That was exactly what he had wanted to do that night, but all his efforts were in vain because of Speaker Long’s indecisiveness However, he hadn’t judged the situation incorrectly The expert guiding his around!
Tan Dongbang’s special authorization as prime minister could only be used once However, it was typically only used when he was re Kangquan from detainment, and perhaps he didn’t even need to use his special authorization as pri Special Operations Forces personnel to the Secret Service for questioning was not going to be so easy It would probably require him to use his special authorization as pri’s eyes flickered “The prime minister’s special authorization can only be used once in a ter, your request is a bit too much…”
“Too much or not depends on the return If the return profits are high, why does it even quan replied confidently He didn’t appear to be soine what this incident has to do withasked slyly and appeared as if he were an eagle that wouldn’t leave until he found a rabbit to hunt “In a few days, I won’t even be the interim prime minister anymore, and it will be even quan s was obviously interested in his offer, yet he was still being stubborn and fighting until the end “Prime Minister Tan, if you can complete this task successfully, perhaps you’ll be reelected!” Hong Kangquan replied very excitedly “Think about it, if I can find the ‘Pink Piggy,’ you’ll earn the support of the United States and Germany That can only help you in the elections!”
Tan Dongbang squinted almost i voices domestically” Currently, all thecontrolled by the public influencers, so the silent majority were repressed from their desire to voice any opinion But that hadn’t stopped so opinions fro
“It’s only nor voices It would be abnorquan could read the situation clearly “But as long as I can find the ‘Pink Piggy’ and hand her over to the Americans and Germans, then this lawsuit will be canceled We won’t need to pay astronomical compensation, so that will save the nation and the e sum of money Everyone will thank us
“With such merit—and if the media adds momentum when it happens—wouldn’t you say that your chances have increased greatly?”