Chapter 680 - A Big Move! (1/1)
Chapter 680: A Big Move!
Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio
Gu Nianzhi’s “devourerexe” was like a s its way, and it carried her to the internal central control systeence Service She traversed within the intranet and anxiously searched for the inforht, four Chinese people had died in the woods by the bar Gu Nianzhi was certain the two of the to be someone else, while the other tere real Hua Xia I the dias on her earlobes, she considered it for a second but didn’t take them off in the end This was her only contact with Huo Shao, and she didn’t want to re them She wanted to access Als’ intranet and find infor, the blonde bar owner told Gu Nianzhi about the murder in the woods, and she assumed it became another well known case in Germany if even a bar owner knew about it… But afterwards, she didn’t see any news online at all, so it was like she had iht Now she finally understood that the bar owner knew all the details, not because the case was prolific within the population, but purely due to her being in cahoots with Als She ence Service and had only told Gu Nianzhi about it probably to glean information from her Unfortunately, Gu Nianzhi had no idea why the Hua Xia Empire sent personnel over, so she didn’t even have an opportunity to leak any intelligence
Shrugging, Gu Nianzhi continued to dig through the Gerence Service’s intranet Froence Service was ht ence service with Als as the Director General Gu Nianzhi’s fingers paused as she dug up Bureau 1’s encrypted file The passas very sience personnel had created a txt file and saved it with the encrypted file The txt file was named “passwordtxt…” Inside were all sorts of passwords for various encrypted files, so when Gu Nianzhi accessed passwordtxt, she had the key to all the encrypted files
She froze when she opened the encrypted file—it was a su undercover Gerence Service personnel in various countries… She even saw the list of undercover personnel in the Hua Xia Eh and low only to find it when one least expected! Gu Nianzhi didn’t hesitate to upload it to her own cloud drive
Bureau 2 ence, while Bureau 4 was encrypted with the most complicated password, which wasn’t listed in the stupid password file Gu Nianzhi glanced at the external description and discovered Bureau 4 was the adence Service It was a bunch of officials, so she was too lazy to look into it Consequently, she didn’t waste energy cracking the password and skipped over it Bureau 5 was counter international terrorism Bureau 6 was responsible for technical support, so the personnel ht now should be fro’s face on Bureau 6’s encrypted file… Bureau 7 was in charge of training intelligence personnel While Gu Nianzhi wasn’t interested in the training procedures, she thought Huo Shao and his men would be, so she carefully selected a few files to upload to the cloud drive
Lastly, Bureau 8 was in charge of counter-espionage activities Gu Nianzhi perked up and instinctively knew that the information related to the four Chinese h file by file, looking through all the pictures Three hours later, her eyes were nearly blind when she finally found a folder related to the four dead Chineseit, she saasn’t merely all sorts of photos of the incident’s scene and the deceased froence Service’s analysis report
Gu Nianzhi quickly glanced over it and discovered that Als and his men had discussed whether this was the opportunity to take advantage of the identification of the dead Chinese men to issue a diplomatic note to the Hua Xia Eence personnel to Germany! Afterwards, it was vetoed, and while the personnel wasn’t named, they were coded as the name “G” on the file “G” said that firstly, the identification was fake, so if they pretended to not know any better and used then Affairs, they would only shoot themselves in the foot and reveal that Gu Nianzhi was in their hands…
Gu Nianzhi shook anxiously when she suddenly saw her name on the encrypted files, and her hand nearly slipped off the mouse Her heart al time to calm down She quickly downloaded the files to upload onto her own cloud drive
However, the network connection suddenly slowed down, and her uploads paused midway Gu Nianzhi’s heart sank Could so at her watch, she saw four hours had already passed She had been too greedy and spent too long on her first hack into the enemy’s intranet—tootoo cluze would be sure to scold her if he found out But this was such a rare chance, and she didn’t want to give up the opportunity to help Huo Shao and the Special Ops learn the secrets of the Gerence Service
The seconds passed, and Gu Nianzhi’s fingers flew over the keyboard as she continued to code for faster processing times Ten ram’s alarm system had already been activated This meant the enemy may have already discovered there was a problem with her surveillance and that there were external parties accessing their intranet What should she do? If she gave up this chance, she ain Also, if Als and his men had a talented hacker within them, then there was a chance she could be discovered here…
To give up or continue, that was the fatal question In the split second battle between humanity and fate, Gu Nianzhi finallyant white people that even an anxious bunny can bite back! She wouldn’t attack until she could an to initialize the final systeo of the cursor and watched the prograin to wreak havoc on the Gerence Service’s intranet
At the same time, alarms sounded continuously in the central control rooence Service The sharp blaring cracked through the base, where the sun had just cast the sky into a milky white
“Hurry! Hurry! We have an external attack!”
“Where? Where?!”
“The intranet, you idiot! The intranet has been coency systein IP to this prograet ineers sped over, but it was already too late If they didn’t take the final measures now, all their secrets would be destroyed This orse than the highest coence Service being a n country, because itall the Gerence Service’s secrets all the way back to the time of the Gestapo! All the Germans in the central control room stared at each other, their faces ashen as they mumbled, shook, and had no idea how to deal with the current situation
Als screa the IP! Cut the power! Cut it now!” The ed, Gu Nianzhi’s “devourerexe” intensified and exploded with its last attack It transforra bacteria, it wiped everything out, and its speed increased exponentially All the files in the Gerence Service’s intranet were destroyed by a locust-like attack From encrypted to unencrypted files, system files, and data files were all sed and shrunk into packets, then were forwarded to external ee ah that it had completed all consumption procedures and initialized the self destruction sequence in the tiradually cut power
Als called Reinitz over for the serious eency, and where he stood in front of the central control systee host ht flash on the screen A cute pink pig walked out of the ring of light and rolled at the on its pluradually shrank until the pink pig disappeared inside it
Boom! Als punched the host one too far! They’ll wish they’d never gotten caught!”