Chapter 299 - Remembered It for 16 Years (1/2)
Chapter 299: Remembered It for 16 Years
Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio
At the sa up with even istic personnel to court to give their testimony: were they absolutely sure they had delivered the istic officer who appeared in court to testify was the exact sas to his wife, Luo Xinxue, after his death
“We can prove that the mobile phone was inside the box e handed Colonel Huo’s belongings to his wife 16 years ago” The officer had been a lowly-ranked soldier when he had been tasked with returning the iteistics Depart your pardon, Colonel, but I would like to ask how you are able to reo”
“It isn’t a trivial detail at all” The senior colonel froistics Department paused “Senior Colonel Huo Guanyuan’s mobile phone was his private phone, for personal use Apparently, the battery for the phone had been custo in the Institute of High Energy Physics”
“A genius scientist working in the Institute of High Energy Physics? What was his or her name?” Lawyer Kiistics Department shook his head “We don’t know Colonel Huo never mentioned the name to us He only said it was the scientist he respectedthat There was the uner in her eyes Her h she wanted badly to say so, but had to control herself
Gu Nianzhi had been casually watching everyone in the courtroom, and she saw the state of fury Bai Jinyi was in Her eyebrows shot up, and she knew the question she had to ask the witness: “Was that ‘genius scientist’ a man or a woman? Do you know?”
She was disappointed when the senior colonel shook his head a second time “I don’t know that either Back then, Colonel Huo was close to the scientists working at the Institute of High Energy Physics because of the nature of his mission, but it was rare for him to talk to us about it”
Gu Nianzhi knew that the joint experiy Physics was most likely the main reason Huo Guanyuan had been close to the scientists
She had a hunch that that specific experihtfully at Bai Jinyi She watched as the older woman slowly recollected herself; when the color finally returned to Bai Jinyi’s cheeks, Gu Nianzhi turned her attention to Lawyer Jin, as still in thethe senior colonel at the witness stand
“Well, I’ll have to take your word for that, then Still, I find it incredible that you remembered an off-hand remark like that for 16 years,” Lawyer Jin said dubiously He was i with the plaintiff’s lawyer to give false testimony
The senior colonel knew at once what Lawyer Jin was insinuating He said angrily, “There’s a reason I remembered what he said I’m still in thedishonest How aive my complete testimony if you won’t let me?!”
“Perhaps Lawyer Jin is late for an appoint so impatient…” Gu Nianzhi’s lips curved into a small smile as she mocked the lawyer She turned to placate the senior colonel “Please continue What was special about the mobile phone, for you to reent and considerate lawyer, I see—unlike a certain solare at Lawyer Jin, before quickly turning to the judge to continue his explanation “That phone was special because of the custom-made battery I mentioned earlier It’s supposedly a really powerful battery—so powerful, in fact, that you can charge it once and not have to recharge it again for 10 years I was Colonel Huo’s orderly back then, and often saw hi with the phone A few of us discussed the incredible battery in private, and we joked that Colonel Huo was either exaggerating its capacity, or that battery was soy that had suddenly appeared in our country We even said we’d keep an eye on Colonel Huo and e his phone, because anted to see exactly how long the battery would last”
“How long did the battery last?”
“I know that he did not recharge it for at least three years,” the senior colonel said with absolute confidence “I’arding how long the battery would last But three years after we started the bet, Colonel Huo lost his life in the accident We were never able to see the bet through”
“We were unable to recover his remains after the accident How is it that his ical That ainsta s in his dor his room back then, and I remember it like it was just yesterday”
Lawyer Jin frowned He did not like where this was going “And you are absolutely sure that the phone was inside the box when you handed Colonel Huo’s belongings to his wife? Who’s going to prove that? You? This is less—we only have your word for this, we need a third party to corroborate what you’ve just said!”
But 16 years had passed Hoere they going to find yet another witness to prove that the senior colonel was telling the truth?
Gu Nianzhi’s expression darkened She was about to launch a counterargument when the senior colonel said, with an expression that spoke of his complete disdain for Lawyer Jin, “We have an established procedure when handing over the belongings of our bravethe country A special teas over to the fallen soldier’s fao over the ite is s are only released to the fa is in order I don’t knohat kind of work environment you’re used to, Mr Lawyer, but you sees in the ry he couldn’t speak
This was the first time he had heard someone talk to him in that disdainful tone in court
He seethed inwardly He knew he should have declined to take the case once he saw the military was involved
He had, in the course of his career, wondered where all the sharp-tongued, quick-witted one, and now he knew—they were in thewhat the senior colonel had said She s How can it be a norant of how our military works?” She pulled out a copy of the list of Huo Guanyuan’s belongings—signed by members of the Huo fa everyone in attendance to look at it