Chapter 177 - The 18th Birthday (7) (1/2)

Chapter 177: The 18th Birthday (7)

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

The hurricane in the distance sent towering waves over to the cruise shi+p Luckily, the hurricane was too far away to do any real dae to the shi+p; even so, the choppy waves were e cruise shi+p bobbed up and down a this way and that like a helpless toy Its fate was now in Mother Nature’s hands

Gu Nianzhi watched the dark, h theShe hastily asked Zhao Liangze, “I think the shi+p is going to sink What do we do?”

“Let’s go to the fourth floor” Zhao Liangze looked at his watch “They should be here anyhad told theo

They could only hold out for so long

The cruise shi+p was now completely surrounded by pirates in white speedboats The pirates were heavily armed; they were even equipped with shoulder-fired rocket launchers Gu Nianzhi wondered whether she and Zhao Liangze had made a mistake: maybe they should have jumped off the boat, after the cooks and sailors

Gu Nianzhi smiled wryly; it was pointless to think about it now She followed behind Zhao Liangze as he ran towards the fourth floor

The third floor was subed entirely in seawater as soon as they arrived on the fourth floor

The hull gradually sank into the sea The armed pirates continued to watch them with bloodthirsty expressions

One of the pirates had lifted a rocket launcher to his shoulder, and was now taking aize carried Wen Shouyi on his back as he held Gu Nianzhi in his arms “Are you scared?”

“No” Gu Nianzhi lifted the sniper rifle in her hands and said coldly, “If we’re going to die anyway, let’s take out a few more of them”

She aimed at the pirate with the rocket launcher, and pulled the trigger

A sniper rifle was faster than a rocket launcher

The bullet struck the pirate between his eyebrows He stiffened, and fell into the sea with his rocket launcher

The pirates on the speedboat sahat had happened, and leapt to their feet in anger They pointed at Gu Nianzhi and Zhao Liangze and began firing at theze immediately dropped to the floor to avoid the bullets He pulled Gu Nianzhi down beside hied from the eyewall of the hurricane and shot towards the cruise shi+p like a sudden streak of lightning

It flew close to the surface of the sea, as swift and elegant as a gray pigeon

The jet did a barrel roll and banked 90 degrees as it circled the cruise shi+p

Rat-a-tat-a-tat—a hailstorm of bullets swept across the speedboats

On its next pass, the fighter jet unloaded shells over the speedboats

The latest MiG-35 fighter jet, versus speedboats of unknown in—it was a corenade launchers with thehter jet landed on the speedboats, the grenades exploded all at once

The speedboats exploded, one by one, sending towering columns of fire, smoke, and seawater into the sky

The pirates who had not been killed by the bullets or the explosions juhter jet was not about to let the pulled on the control stick; the jet fleards, offering hi hter jet His face was cold and ruthless as he unloaded clip after clip of bullets on the pirates ere trying to say

As soon as a pirate poked his head out of the water, he was i of bullets

It all happened quickly; within 10 ht speedboats had sunk into the sea

Gu Nianzhi looked up, her eyes glued to the fighter jet that had shot out of the hurricane She watched as it perforo after the pirates with its turrets blazing Her heart pounded in her ears

She knew at once that her Uncle Huo hter jet

He was the best fighter pilot in the Huaxia Empire!

She had seen him practice—it was definitely hiot to her feet She jumped up and down on the deck as she shouted at the sky; her soft, gentle voice had grown agitated, but her shouts were nosaw the slender figure ju on the deck, and his lips curved into a s to lower the rope ladder when he suddenly saw tiny red dots appear on the radar—two planes were approaching fro quickly pulled on the control stick—the plane fleards and back, ready to engage in a dogfight

The planes closing in from the north did not attack the jet; theyaway

The two planes had been UAVs, or drones

Huo Shaoheng looked towards the sea, and sahat looked like a large shi+p in the north He took a closer look, and saw that it was actually a warshi+p!

It was accompanied by a cruiser, a destroyer, and several top-of-the-line speedboats All of the as they rapidly closed in on the cruise shi+p

There was so was stunned to see that it was Gu Nianzhi’s professor, He Zhichu!

Yin shi+xiong had seen him, too He asked anxiously, “Sir? What do we do?!”

The warshi+p, on the other hand, had discovered Huo Shaoheng’s fighter jet on the radar and set aquickly made a decision: he pulled on the control stick, turned the jet around, and flew it right into the hurricane!

As soon as the jet entered the thick, churning fog near the eyewall of the hurricane, the US warshi+p lost itsrain were too much for its radar lock-on syste was so worried he had forgotten to be sick from all the turbulence

The jet tre froh the hurricane Several dents appeared in the fuselage

Huo Shaoheng calmly said, “He Zhichu must be here to save them”

He could not let the UShe wanted was for the US military toto provoke the fell silent after that He concentrated on navigating the fighter jet out of the eyewall of the hurricane with Huo Shaoheng

Everyone on the ground was stunned when the jet reappeared on the radar of the Cuban Air Force

Had the two men actually returned alive?!


The soldiers rushed out, whooping and ju with surprise and joy They lined up to welcoround

The fuselage was riddled with holes, but nobody cared—the pilots had returned from the hurricane, alive and in one piece!

Gu Nianzhi watched the plane fly back into the hurricane

She stood alone at the bow, her gaze fixed upon the direction in which the jet had disappeared She was so entranced by what she had seen she did not notice that the cruise shi+p was still sinking; in fact, the seawater had reached the fourth floor

The seawater had already crept up to her ankles, but she did not know it Finally, someone walked over to her and pulled her into an eh her She wrested her gaze away fro, al at her with concern

Gu Nianzhi blinked, still in shock She had not yet gotten over the sight of the fighter jet

“Nianzhi?” He Zhichu called again He wiped the rain from her face, and kissed her forehead He pressed her head to his chest and patted her coly on the back as he murmured, “It’s okay, don’t be afraid I’m here now…”

Gu Nianzhi’s nerves had been stretched to breaking point Co been able to see Huo Shaoheng in person, her frayed nerves finally snapped like a bowstring that had been drawn too tight

Her legs gave out, and she fainted in He Zhichu’s arze stood up with Wen Shouyi on his back He looked at He Zhichu “Professor He, let’s get going The shi+p is about to sink”

He Zhichu nodded in reply He scooped Gu Nianzhi into his arms and carried her to the speedboat