Part 54 (1/2)

”All right,” said Wally. ”There are lots of other managers in New York. Haven't you seen them popping about? Rich, enterprising men, and all of them love me like a son.”

”Make it one per cent,” said Mr. Goble, ”and I'll see if I can fix it with Pilkington.”

”One and a half.”

”Oh, d.a.m.n it, one and a half, then,” said Mr. Goble morosely. ”What's the good of splitting straws?”

”Forgotten Sports of the Past--Splitting the Straw. All right. If you drop me a line to that effect, legibly signed with your name, I'll wear it next my heart. I shall have to go now. I have a date.

Good-bye. Glad everything's settled and everybody's happy.”

For some moments after Wally had left, Mr. Goble sat hunched up in his orchestra-chair, smoking sullenly, his mood less sunny than ever.

Living in a little world of sycophants, he was galled by the off-hand way in which Wally always treated him. There was something in the latter's manner which seemed to him sometimes almost contemptuous. He regretted the necessity of having to employ him. There was, of course, no real necessity why he should have employed Wally. New York was full of librettists who would have done the work equally well for half the money, but, like most managers, Mr. Goble had the mental processes of a sheep. ”Follow the Girl” was the last outstanding musical success in New York theatrical history: Wally had written it, therefore n.o.body but Wally was capable of re-writing ”The Rose of America.” The thing had for Mr. Goble the inevitability of Fate. Except for deciding mentally that Wally had swelled head, there was nothing to be done.

Having decided that Wally had swelled head, and not feeling much better, Mr. Goble concentrated his attention on the stage. A good deal of action had taken place there during the recently concluded business talk, and the unfortunate Lord Finchley was back again, playing another of his scenes. Mr. Goble glared at Lord Finchley. He did not like him, and he did not like the way he was speaking his lines.

The part of Lord Finchley was a non-singing role. It was a type part.

Otis Pilkington had gone to the straight stage to find an artist, and had secured the not uncelebrated Wentworth Hill, who had come over from London to play in an English comedy which had just closed. The newspapers had called the play thin, but had thought that Wentworth Hill was an excellent comedian. Mr. Hill thought so, too, and it was consequently a shock to his already disordered nerves when a bellow from the auditorium stopped him in the middle of one of his speeches and a rasping voice informed him that he was doing it all wrong.

”I beg your pardon?” said Mr. Hill, quietly but dangerously, stepping to the footlights.

”All wrong!” repeated Mr. Goble.

”Really?” Wentworth Hill, who a few years earlier had spent several terms at Oxford University before being sent down for aggravated disorderliness, had brought little away with him from that seat of learning except the Oxford manner. This he now employed upon Mr. Goble with an icy severity which put the last touch to the manager's fermenting state of mind. ”Perhaps you would be kind enough to tell me just how you think that part should be played?”

Mr. Goble marched down the aisle.

”Speak out to the audience,” he said, stationing himself by the orchestra pit. ”You're turning your head away all the darned time.”

”I may be wrong,” said Mr. Hill, ”but I have played a certain amount, don't you know, in pretty good companies, and I was always under the impression that one should address one's remarks to the person one was speaking to, not deliver a recitation to the gallery. I was taught that that was the legitimate method.”

The word touched off all the dynamite in Mr. Goble. Of all things in the theatre he detested most the ”legitimate method.” His idea of producing was to instruct the cast to come down to the footlights and hand it to 'em. These people who looked up-stage and talked to the audience through the backs of their necks revolted him.

”Legitimate! That's a h.e.l.l of a thing to be! Where do you get that legitimate stuff? You aren't playing Ibsen!”

”Nor am I playing a knockabout vaudeville sketch.”

”Don't talk back at me!”

”Kindly don't shout at _me_! Your voice is unpleasant enough without your raising it.”

Open defiance was a thing which Mr. Goble had never encountered before, and for a moment it deprived him of breath. He recovered it, however, almost immediately.

”You're fired!”

”On the contrary,” said Mr. Hill, ”I'm resigning.” He drew a green-covered script from his pocket and handed it with an air to the pallid a.s.sistant stage-director. Then, more gracefully than ever Freddie Rooke had managed to move down-stage under the tuition of Johnson Miller, he moved up-stage to the exit. ”I trust that you will be able to find someone who will play the part according to your ideas!”

”I'll find,” bellowed Mr. Goble at his vanis.h.i.+ng back, ”a chorus-man who'll play it a d.a.m.ned sight better than you!” He waved to the a.s.sistant stage-director. ”Send the chorus-men on the stage!”