Vol 3 Chapter 5.1 (1/2)

No. 6 Atsuko Asano 89140K 2022-07-22

[Novel] NO. 6 - Vol 3 Ch 5 (a)

These are English translations for the novel NO. 6 by Asano Atsuko.

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In Falsity's Company

In days of old, the Buddha

was but a mortal;

in the end, we ourselves

will be buddhas too.

How grievous that distinctions

must separate those

who are alike in sharing

the Buddha-nature!

- Tales of Heike: Giou [1]

s.h.i.+on slowly raised himself off the floor.

Only a few dying embers remained in the heater, and the room was freezing cold. Cravat, who had been curled up against s.h.i.+on's body, raised his head and chirruped softly.

”Shh―” s.h.i.+on drew his blanket around the little mouse. ”Here, you sleep in this. Just please don't make any noise, okay?”

s.h.i.+on had gotten so used to this room that he could find his way even in the dark. He padded stealthily to the door. He unlatched it, and before opening it, he turned back again. He listened carefully. There was not a noise.

It looked like the pain from Nezumi's wound hadn't kept him from sleeping. I guess a wound that small wouldn't be enough to keep him awake. There were so many things he still needed to tell Nezumi. The joy of meeting him, the grat.i.tude for everything he had done for him, and the profound respect he had for him ― s.h.i.+on had not been able to get any of these adequately across.

I'm glad I met you.

That was all I was able to say.

s.h.i.+on inhaled the air of the room deeply, just once, before quietly opening the door.

The lamp flashed, signalling a call from a direct extension to City Hall. The man lifted his face from the research doc.u.ments he had been perusing, and lightly clucked his tongue in irritation. The doc.u.ment, which had been printed decades ago on paper, was very intriguing, and he wished to read a little further. But the lamp was flas.h.i.+ng red, signalling an emergency situation. The man clucked his tongue again, and put the doc.u.ments away in a folder.

When he pressed the switch, the familiar face of a man appeared on-screen. He was a man who used to be called Fennec.

Fennec ― the desert fox. Who was it that had first started calling him that?

”What's the matter, Fennec?”

”We have an emergency. Two samples have been brought into the Central Hospital.”

”Something the matter with that?”

”Both of them aren't registered as representative samples in the data.”


”They're different from the samples you've requested from us. Things are happening on their own, outside of our control.”

”Perhaps it's too early to conclude that they're samples. Couldn't something else be the cause?”

Fennec shook his head. The screen promptly changed to another image. An audio clip read out the two bodies' personal information.

Name, age, address, occupation, history of illness, physical measurements, citizens.h.i.+p number...

A man and a woman. Two bodies. Both their faces were contorted in suffering, and were aged and shrivelled. It if weren't for their facial expressions, their cause of death would easily have pa.s.sed as old age. But the doc.u.mented age of one of them was in the twenties, the other in his late thirties.

”You're right, they must have done it,” the man muttered. The screen flickered again, and Fennec's scowl was displayed largely. The man exhaled quietly.

”...What could this all mean?”

”I think I would like to know that!” Fennec raised his voice, and his ears twitched indignantly. Ah, yes. This was a habit of his. Since he was young, he had always had the habit of twitching his ears when his emotions were agitated. That was why he was called Fennec. A fennec fox was a small fox with the longest ears of its kind, reaching up to fifteen centimetres.

”But how could something unexpected like this happen?” Fennec continued. ”I don't believe it. What's going on?”

”Something must have gone wrong somewhere,” the man answered. ”But it's insignificant. It's nothing you should be worried about.”

Fennec's throat contracted as he swallowed at the man's words.

”Are you sure?”

”Of course.”

”You have the highest responsibility in this project, you know.”

”Not officially,” the man added. ”Well, but then again, nothing about this project has been publicized officially.”

”But if this succeeds, then No. 6's City Project will finally be perfect and complete. Right?”


”Then even minor slip-ups can't be permitted.”

”I know. I'll launch an investigation immediately looking into the cause. I want you to send the bodies over to the Special Autopsies Room, Section V.”

”I've already got it underway.”

”Then I'll get to work straightaway.”

”Please do. I'll be waiting for the report.”


”Oh, yes,” Fennec added. ”Once this mess has quieted down somewhat, I'm planning another clean-up.”

”Clean-up? That's something I haven't heard in a long time. Say, it's almost the Holy Celebration, isn't it?”

”Yes, the same reverent day is coming again. If you need any for your experiments, I can arrange for as many as you need. What say you?”

”I am most humbled by the kind considerations of His Excellency.”

”None of that embellished formality, if you will.”

”But you'll eventually become the absolute ruler of this land,” the man said. ”The one and only King. I'd have to start calling you Your Highness.”

”And what would you have me call you?”

”I'll stay as I am. If I'm still provided with the same top-notch research facilities and environment as I am now, then I have nothing more to ask.”

”Spa.r.s.e in your wants as always, I see. Then I trust you'll have the work done.”

The screen silently went blank. The man let his gaze flit over the doc.u.ments he had only partially read. Unfortunately, it looked like he would not be able to read through the rest of it today.

They were doc.u.ments concerning a species of ants called Eciton burch.e.l.li, which inhabited Central and South Americas. These ants, which formed colonies numbering up to 500,000, did not live in one static place, but instead repeated cycles of temporary encampment and migration until their life was spent. There was only one queen ant that reigned over the colony of 500,000. But the queen's sole purpose in the colony was to lay eggs, and she was not necessarily in control of its members. Warrior ants and worker ants, large and small, all moved accordingly to their instinct, and as a result, the colony functioned seamlessly as if they were governed by a great common intellect.

Ants, and bees too, had created the ideal social system.

There was no way that humans could not do what insects already did. Each would obediently fill his role. Without thinking, without being interrupted by suspicions, they would take to their task. Brains were unnecessary. Souls were of no use.

A colony of 500,000, and a single one to reign over all.

You say I'm spa.r.s.e in my wants, do you? You're right, Fennec, I desire nothing. I have no need for desire. I never have to suffer from being dominated by my desires, like you do.

The man smiled discreetly, and pushed the b.u.t.ton for the elevator leading directly to the Special Autopsies Room.

A frost had fallen. The frozen gra.s.s underneath his shoes made crunching sounds as he trod over them. When the sun rose, the frost would sparkle white, and the barren expanse would be enveloped in light for a fleeting instant. But it was too early ― the sun had yet to rise for a while longer. s.h.i.+on stopped in his tracks, and lifted his face to the northern sky. He wanted to reach the Correctional Facility before dawn. He had no idea what he would do once he arrived. But he had to go. It was all he could think about. Why had Safu been impounded in the Correctional Facility, when she was supposed to be abroad? Was it in connection with him? If it was, then would Karan's safety also be compromised? Uncertainty and fretful misgivings coursed through his body, blocked his airway, and pressed against his heart. He didn't want to lose anyone, neither his mother, Safu, nor Nezumi. He would do anything to protect them. But he was frustrated at himself for not being able to come up with how he would do so.

Even now, as he was walking, Safu was probably alone and frightened. He had to do something. He had to save her and get her out. But what was he to do? How could he―


A soft cry. His feet stopped. His eyes, which had gotten used to the darkness, trained on a small rodent poking its face out from the gra.s.s.


He scooped up the tiny mouse in his hands.

”Did you follow me out here? Go home, you shouldn't be―” He realized as soon as he had said it out loud, that this mouse was not Cravat. It wasn't Hamlet, either. It wasn't even alive. This mouse carried no sign of the warmth that living animals did.

”This is― a robot―?”

”He's the navigator.” There was a voice behind him. He didn't have to turn around to know who the voice belonged to. s.h.i.+on took a few measured breaths, and slowly turned his body around.

Nezumi was also approaching him slowly. He plucked the miniscule robot from s.h.i.+on's hands, and tossed it into a pouch.

”It's a simple navigator robot with three-dimensional mapping functions. It was warning you because you were going in the wrong direction.”

”The wrong direction―”

”Weren't you going to Inukas.h.i.+'s place? You were gonna give those long-haired dogs a trim because their skin was getting inflamed, weren't you? Leaving awfully early, huh? How diligent of you. But this isn't the way.”

s.h.i.+on inhaled the frigid air of dawn yet to come.

”This has nothing to do with you,” he said bitingly. ”It's none of your business what I do, or where I go. I'm sick and tired of you trying to act like my guardian. I'm not a helpless baby. Just leave me alone. You know what,” he said, ”it's enough. If you still think of four years ago as a debt, then let me tell you now, it's paid back. You've given more than enough already. From now on, I'm going to be free. I'm going to do as I please, without being strapped down by you. That's my decision, so don't get in my way.”

He ran out of breath, and lapsed into silence. It was too dark to see the expression on Nezumi's face. His shadowy figure s.h.i.+fted slightly, and he could hear a soft applause.

”That's quite some recitation for an amateur. Maybe you do have a talent for acting after all. Certainly better than yesterday's kiss, at least.”

”Nezumi, what―”

He thought he saw Nezumi's right hand swing upwards, and then a hard blow struck his cheek. s.h.i.+on staggered, and fell backwards. The taste of blood spread inside his mouth.

”―what was―!”

”Get yourself up if you have the time to be asking questions. The next one's coming.”

The tip of Nezumi's boot swung straight toward him. s.h.i.+on instinctively rolled to the side.

”Don't just stop there. Keep moving, keep the flow.”

A kick landed firmly in s.h.i.+on's ribs. His breath caught in his throat. He blindly grasped at a handful of pebbles that littered the gra.s.sy patch.

”Don't close your eyes. Don't look away from your opponent's attacks. Move!”

s.h.i.+on twisted around to whip the pebbles at Nezumi, and at the same time, kicked off the ground and tried to ram into him with his shoulder. His feet were swept from under him, and he was slammed to the ground. This time, he could not get up again. He could see the stars. The stars that scattered across the sky yet untouched by dawn twinkled almost frightfully bright.

He was grabbed by the arm, and pulled up off the ground.

”s.h.i.+on, this is punishment.”

”Punishment for what?”

”You lied to me.”


”You'll admit that, won't you?”

”Yeah... I guess.”

”Your second crime. You belittled me.”

”I never did that.”

”Lying to someone means you're belittling him. Did you think I would fall for your lame excuse? If that's not an insult to me, I don't know what the h.e.l.l is.”