Part 17 (1/2)
MISS T. (_coming upon him from round a corner_). Well, I'm _sure_, Mr.
CULCH. You are a young lady of naturally strong convictions, I am aware.
But what are you so sure of at the present moment?
MISS T. Well, I guess I'm not just as sure of _you_ as I should like to be, anyway. Seems to me, considering you've been so vurry inconsolable away from me, you'd a good deal to say to that young lady in the patent folders. And I'd like an explanation--you're right down splendid at explaining most things.
CULCH. (_with virtuous indignation_). So you actually suspect me of having carried on a flirtation!
MISS T. I guess girls don't use their pocket-handkerchiefs that way over the weather. Who _is_ she, anyway?
CULCH. (_calmly_). If you insist on knowing, she is the lady to whom Mr.
Podbury has every prospect of being engaged. I hope your mind is at ease _now_?
MISS T. Well, I expect my mind would have stood the strain as it was--so it's Mr. Podbury who's her admirer? See here, you're going to introduce me to that girl right away. It's real romantic, and I'm perfectly dying to make her acquaintance!
CULCH. Hum--well. She is--er--_peculiar_, don't you know, and I rather doubt whether you will have much in common.
MISS T. Well, if you don't introduce me, I shall introduce myself, that's all.
CULCH. By all means. (_To himself._) Not if _I_ can prevent it, though!
Culchard feels slightly Uncomfortable.
SCENE--_Terrace and Grounds of the Grand Hotel Villa d'Este, on Lake Como._ PODBURY _and_ CULCHARD _are walking up and down together._
PODB. Well, old chap, your resigning like that has made all the difference to _me_, I can tell you!
CULCH. If I have succeeded in advancing your cause with Miss Prendergast, I am all the better pleased, of course.
PODB. You have, and no mistake. She's regularly taken me in hand, don't you know--she says I've no intelligent appreciation of Italian Art; and gad, I believe she's right there! But I'm pulling up--bound to teach you a lot, seeing all the old altar-pieces I do! And she gives me the right tips, don't you see; she's no end of a clever girl, so well-read and all that! But I say--about Miss Trotter? Don't want to be inquisitive, you know, but you don't seem to be much _about_ with her.
CULCH. I--er--the feelings I entertain towards Miss Trotter have suffered no change--quite the reverse, only--and I wish to impress this upon you, Podbury--it is undesirable, for--er--many reasons, to make my attentions--er--too conspicuous. I--I trust you have not alluded to the matter to--well, to Miss Prendergast, for example?
PODB. Not I, old fellow--got other things to talk about. But I don't quite see why----
CULCH. You are not _required_ to see. I don't WISH it, that is all.
I--er--think that should be sufficient.
PODB. Oh, all right, _I'll_ keep dark. But she's bound to know sooner or later, now she and Miss Trotter have struck up such a friends.h.i.+p. And Hypatia will be awfully pleased about it--why _shouldn't_ she, you know?
... I'm going to see if there's any one on the tennis-court, and get a game if I can. Ta-ta!
CULCH. (_alone_). Podbury knows very little about women. If Hyp--Miss Prendergast--once found out _why_ I renounced my suitors.h.i.+p, I should have very little peace, I know that--I've taken particular care not to betray my attachment to Maud. I'm afraid she's beginning to notice it, but I must be careful. I don't like this sudden intimacy between them--it makes things so very awkward. They've been sitting under that tree over there for the last half-hour, and goodness only knows what confidences they may have exchanged! I really must go up and put a stop to it, presently.